How, if at all, has either The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim or posters online affected your opinion of Nords?
Pick the poll answer which most closely describes your position. You can discuss your answers with each other.
How, if at all, has either The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim or posters online affected your opinion of Nords?
Pick the poll answer which most closely describes your position. You can discuss your answers with each other.
When I first saw them in Oblivion and Morrowind, I thought they were just a bunch of uninteresting stupid savage pseudo-vikings.
Little that view has changed, though I have developed an interest in and respect for ancient Nords. Contemporary Nords - not so much.
I've come to like them more, but not any major love. I think it's mostly influences outside the game that make people dislike them a bit. Part of which you can find here.
This poll could use some both options for the altered feelings.
Skyrim was my first Elder Scrolls so I'm not sure any options here apply tome. I played a tiny bit of Oblivion but thats about it. If i had to vote i would say i find them generally annoying yet honorable.
No kidding...
Then again, my feelings remain the same towards the knuckle dragging frostbacks.
I can has honor of being replied to for 10,000th post?
To stay on track i will say despite their simple nature you must admit they are very loyal and strong and it's hard not to admire them for that.
Tough choice. I'd say a combination of what's portrayed in Skyrim, and the zealously of some posters have both made me go from neutral/interested in Nords to wanting to wipe the Nords from existence.
Dawnguard and the introduction of Gelebor and Vyrthur sealed my negative view of the Nords I think.
Voted "Not been altered by either", but "Skyrim has changend my opinion..." would be equally (in)accurate.
Because my first impression of Nords whatsoever, was in Skyrim. So my opinion of Nords has not been altered, but heavily influenced by Skyrim.
Hear, hear! Voted for the first choice, myself.
Thanks to Skyrim, the Nords have become my favorite human race.
However, I should mention that this favoritism stems from my fascination of the Ancient Nords and the hope that Jhunal returns to a place of prominence in Nordic society.
Though at the same time, I am a bit displeased at the manner in which Bethesda watered them down. I mean FFS, why is a temple dedicated to the Goddess of the Storm known as the Temple of Kynareth?
A bottle of mead breaks every time a Nord calls our honored mother Kynareth. It's Kyne you milk drinkers! KYNE!
Before, I was mostly meh on the Nords. Now I rather like their culture. Also, how were Dunmer viewed after Morrowind?
Morrowind made me to know TES and it made Nords to be my favorite race. Nothing has changed since that.
A lot of praise. Or perhaps too much depending on who you ask. I can say the same happened with Skyrim and the Nords for many as well.
I started playing Nords in Morrowind, before Bloodmoon or Tribunal were released. The nords have been My favorite TES Man Race, and always will be. I was dissapointed in how weakened the Nords have become in Skyrim, and the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun was a very unpleasant discovery.
I always found the Nords to be an interesting race for me, at least as long as I can remember. Skyrim didn't change that, though some posters on the forum have made good efforts in making me like them more. I am a little displeased with some of the changes made to the Nords as they are in the 4th Era. Their Gods being turned to the Nine Divines was one of the things I dislike the most, though Mara, Dibella, Shor and Talos/Ysmir seem to remain the same(Kyne now being Kynareth is a big nono though).
Liked Nords both in Oblivion and Skyrim.
Rougher, wilder and harsher? You can't ride a horse 3 miles early in the game without losing them to bears, sabrecats or trolls! Not to mention my first treck to High Hrothgar that Frost Troll kept whipping my a**! And don't get me to talking about Giants, I got 'volunteered' for their space program numerous times before level 20 something when I finally had the gear I needed to take them on!
Well now....
I originally liked Nords a lot, their culture is heavily influenced off of Vikings so, I immediatley gravitated towards them.
But after Skyrim, they're down there with my views of the Argonians and Redguards.
I lost some respect for them. And i haven't ever made a nord in skyrim because they just don't appeal to me.