Even Oblivion had me guard a shop and kill some rats first.
Morrowind definitely carries a sense of "You svck, go get me some flowers you bum" when it comes to faction/guild quests. Good times.

Combat is best probably in skyrim. Morrowing is turnbased that's trying to pretend it's not turn based. I don't think it works to have a character start out unable to hit anything with a weapon until level 4-5. At the very least, short blades should have worked 100% -- it's medieval, and surely most people in a medieval world have used a knife before. Besides which it would cut the frustration as the player tried to make it down the road to Balmora. Getting killed by mudcrabs is not fun.
I don't know about you, but once I got the hang of things, I never had trouble hitting low tier enemies at Level 1. Every new character I've made since getting back into playing TES III: Morrowind has made short work of the mudcrabs near Seyda Neen with an axe, warhammer, broadsword, dagger, whatever. Imperial and Great House Guards on the other hand...

The merciless, unforgiving nature of TES III: Morrowind is arguably its greatest asset, and I would love nothing more than to see that approach make its return one day in a future ES game.