So, I've been seriously thinking about this amazing mod idea that I have. I don't have the capabilities to make this idea, but I'm hoping someone somewhere who reads this does. It'd be amazing if it could come to fruition.
So take the plot of The Hobbit, right? Let's tweak it to fit into Skyrim's plot. In this new Hobbit/Skyrim crossover, your player had ancestors that once lived in the ancient dwarven city of Erebor. You receive a note from a courier one day, saying that someone in Laketown has finally located you and you are the last remaining member of your family. He says that you should come to Laketown to meet him, and he can talk about resettling in Erebor. Along with this note, you get several books about Erebor and the lore, one in particular regarding the dragon that resides there: Smaug.
Now, Smaug needs to be huge. Like bigger than any dragon that has been in Skyrim. Also, the lore needs to have Smaug not be a son of Akatosh, but created from a darker force. It doesn't need to be explained any further than that, but the point is Smaug isn't from Akatosh, or any lore from The Elder Scrolls series.
Now, back to the plot. When you receive the note from this anonymous man from Laketown, you begin a quest entitled, "An Unexpected Journey". You are then prompted to find 12 followers to form your traveling company. It doesn't matter who they are. They can be your housecarls, mercenaries, friends you've made over the time you've played in Skyrim. Basically you're taking your favorite followers on an amazing adventure to kill Smaug and take back Erebor. Once you have found and formed your company, you need to go to the docks in Windhelm and board the same boat you use to go to Solstheim, The Northern Maiden. Gjalund Salt-Sage will give you the option to travel to Laketown, which you will accept, and promptly be taken to Laketown.
Now, when you appear at Laketown, the quest "An Unexpected Journey" will end and "The Desolation of Smaug" will begin. You will be greeted by a new NPC, dubbed Bard. Now, Laketown can be made, or take the place of something like Solstheim. I don't know how to work that stuff, so someone else who knows more about the tech side of modding I'm sure can figure it out. Now, you will initially be greeted by gaurds who won't let you in due to "dragons about". This quote can be directly taken from the Whiterun gaurd who keeps you from getting into Whiterun. Then, Bard will send them off and you will be able to follow him to his house. When there, he will talk to you about the history of Erebor, the way to get in, and what lies inside. He will say that Smaug was injured, and it is possible to kill him if you hit him with a Black Arrow in the right spot.
The Black Arrow can be shot with an ebony bow and should be just a special ebony arrow that does a [censored] ton of damage. However, there should only be ONE. That means when Smaug is drawn out of Erebor and you have to high tail it to Laketown, you get one shot. It also is in Bard's possession and cannot be pick-pocketed. I'll get to more of it later.
So, after receiving the info from Bard, which tells you about the hidden door, you are then taken into custody by the guards. You follow them to the front of the Mayor's house, where you will be confronted by the Mayor of Laketown. He starts insulting you and then one of your followers steps up and defends you, saying "You know not to whom you speak. You speak to the Dragonborn. Slayer of dragons. Heir to the throne of Erebor.
You wash up on the shores of Erebor with your company and start to trek toward the mountain. You'll come across some wolves, saber cats, bears. Small enemies, nothing serious. Then we get to ruins of Dale. You can walk through Dale, and there can be some good loot. Maybe some bandits that are flagged as Dale survivors or something. Then comes the scaling of the mountain. This section, in my opinion, should be a tricky climb. Kinda like a puzzle solving climb. It could be made as like a series of long caves that you go through to get to the top. Anyway, when you get to the top, you wait til nightfall and open the hidden door using the key. Bard should explain earlier how the hidden door only appears at nightfall. Once the door is open, a follower will ask you, "What do we do now,
In regards to talking to Smaug, the room he is in should provide ample amounts of cover for the player to hide in. The player will encounter the room, survey it for like a few minutes, then will start to hear the dragon's booming voice, saying, "Where are you? I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air." Smaug can be literally anywhere in the massive room at this point. He can be, like, far in the distance or right next to the player. Again, SMAUG MUST BE HUGE!!!! Like, enormous. Biggest dragon in video game history. His fire attack should be an almost one hit kill and killing him can only be done by the black arrow. He is the ultimate dragon.
You start to engage Smaug in some dialogue. This can be any dialogue, preferably from the movies. I'd love it to be as epic as possible though, with him trying to find you, then seeing you, then talking face to face, then him trying to kill you and you escaping. It just needs to feel epic. Anyway, you get out of there after talking to him and he tries to kill you. You get to the exit and your team is right there with you. This is when some fun stuff happens. The AI should run from Smaug and not engage him, so it's a huge chase through Erebor til you get to the Hall of the Kings. Through this chase you can lose him in the smaller areas, but I would love if some Dwarven spheres and spiders, maybe a centurion could be dormant in the places where Smaug can't get to. That would make it really feel Skyrim-esque and not just the Hobbit. I want it to feel like, Skyrim and Hobbit combo. After you get to the Hall of the Kings, Smaug will know your intentions and proclaim that, "You come from Laketown." He will then proceed to talk about the scheme between the lake men. He then leaves to, "Pay them a visit". The rest of your company watches in horror as Smaug goes to destroy Laketown.
Now, getting to Laketown will be difficult. He can fly off really easily, but you need to run after him. Luckily, you have a quicker option. To add to the Skyrim feel of the game, if you have a mage follower with you, you can be ported to Laketown by your follower. They will follow through the portal with you and help you kill Smaug. If you do not, then Bard will send you a portal and you will arrive in Laketown as Smaug is burning it. Regardless of how you get there, he will explain to you what is going on, and you will tell him what happened. Then, he will give you an ebony bow, and tell you that there is a black arrow across town in the armory. You need to run to the edge of Laketown, where the armory is and take the arrow and attempt to shoot Smaug. Smaug will try to kill you, and will fly high in the sky when you get the arrow. When you hit him, which should be difficult, he will fall out of the sky and, scripted mind you, fall into Laketown, breaking half the town. But, you have beaten Smaug and reclaimed your ancestors home of Erebor.
After Smaug falls and Bard greets you with praise, "The Desolation of Smaug" will end and "There and Back Again will begin. Bard will tell you that you should go to Erebor, as some Lakemen have been dispatched to help rebuild and furnish Erebor. Now you get to have Erebor as a home, and furnish every room to your liking. It should be it's own little city, so when you furnish something, people will start living in Erebor. You can move your family there and have an amazing place to live and A [censored] TON OF GOLD!!!!! The Arkenstone can also be found among the riches. There will also be a carriage to send you to Skyrim at the edge of Erebor. But you will be king of Erebor and you can rule over an entire city of men. You are King Under the Mountain.
If you read all this I salute you. This is fan fiction DLC that I wish could be created. It doesn't have to be. But if anyone wants to take this idea on, be my guest. I'd download it in a heartbeat. Thank you for reading and I hope you were at least entertained!