Skyrim definatley needs more cinematic moments. The "important" dialogue usually has one option to respond with, why even give the option to respond with one line. Better make it a first person or maybe third person scripted scene. And our characters need ingame voices. I hate it when people telephatically understand what I am thinking. And now to think about it, that is why dragonborn gets quests even if he doesn't want them. As he/she is always silent, people know that he can't refuse for that requires one to speak.
I say that make the chracter speak in next TES. You can imagine the voice all you want, make a mod that turns it off or turn it off in gameplay settings if possible. Why are your prefences so much more important? Don't hinder the progress with your conservative taste. You can always mod it off with some easy tweaking but adding the voice is very difficult. Making the main character speak is the only logical step if Beth decides to keep the voice acting element.
But i miss the days when a dungeon had multible branches in different direction. But the easy exit is convenient too.
What is wrong with scipting the beginning? It is meant to indroduce the world and controls to player in a controlled environment. First time it was awesome, but they seriously need to add the option to skip tutorial if it has been played through once. Although one could just save in the tutorial exit and use that as a start. I made a save after completing the Whiterun dragon quest and now all my new character start from there.
As of the puzzles, according to the lore, they were merely meant to keep the undead confined inside, but I have no idea why they are outside the doors leading the them. Although I would like to see some actual puzzles. I don't know if the Creation engine is even capable of such things.