I personally think that Bethesda should put Morrowind on the XBL Marketplace as an Xbox Original. It would not only help hype Skyrim but I think it would sell very well. MAYBE if we can get enough people on the forums to agree, then they will! I'm not sure about PSN. Thoughts?
edit: I realize this SHOULD be on a different forum but i posted it in anticipation for Skyrim so i figured it wouldn't be a problem.
As long as it's the GOTY version with Tribunal and Bloodmoon, then hell yes.
I personally own the disc for both PC and Xbox, but.. for those who don't, especially Xbox, it can be hard to find.
EDIT: Last I played my GOTY disc on the 360, it had no hardware issues at all. I got to like.. level 29, finished the Main Quests and did some sidequests. Stability-wise it was BETTER than my PC version.