I loved Morrowind and Oblivion so much despite their flaws, and really thought Skyrim was going to be better than both - taking all the great features of both, improving upon the flaws of both, and making a new game in a new and interesting setting that was going to be the best open-world RPG to date. What I didn't forsee was all the additions I don't like, such as children, finisher moves, the 3D map, marriages, perks, etc. and all the changes and removals of things that were important to me in past TES games. It also didn't cross my mind that Bethesda would even think to go down the streamlining and accessibility route, given the extremely negative reaction other games have received recently for doing the same.
Whatever though. I'm looking forward to Skyrim, and i'm just going to enjoy it for what it is. If I expect it to be better than past TES games, i'll probably be disappointed. If I expect it not to be, I can only be right or pleasantly surprised.
Don't worry. It'll be a