I am just not really caring for what they are saying for Skyrim. It's like been there, done that. Todd is doing the exact same thing, Saying how this is so great and awsome while we were limited to prior games. Well I don't want to know how great or awsome Skyrim is, because all you are going to do in a few years time is saying how limited you were in making Skyrim because of what ever reason. First is, you didn't know what to do with the 360. Now it's you know what to do with it. Why do I have a feeling in 5 years time all you are going to say for TES VI is how limited you were for Skyrim.
In other words, I don't believe what Todd says. He is here to hype us up so we get the game on day one. Well I will be getting the game on Day One release. But please no more, how awsome the NPCs will be. How they have sceduels and they will not be so bland as Oblivion. You never once mentioned that NPCs in Oblivion were bland. In fact you said the opposite. Now all of a sudden Oblvion NPCs are bland?
Before I was excited for Skyrim, now reading the articels, I am not. All I see instead of how great Skyrim is, is how bad Oblivion was. So far not impressed.