The problem with money in most video games is this: You always have too little or too much. You're either at low levels scraping by just to purchase a decent weapon... or you're at high levels where the loot is so good you don't really need to buy stuff anymore and you have so much money you don't know what to do with it. Sure, you can buy houses... er... So you can store stuff and sleep in them (YAWN). Why not make money fun? After all, Skyrim is supposed to be a realistic world with Radiant AI characters buying, selling, trading goods, and performing their job duties day in and day out right? Well, shouldn't there be a functional economy? And if there is a functional economy shouldn't you be able to fully participate in it?
Anyway, so here is my idea. I think you should have a wide variety of options to engage in entrepreneurship. And to help you do this there would be a Traders' Guild... You see, the scourge of dragons and the brewing civil conflict in Skyrim has pushed the region's economy to the brink of collapse! The Trader's guild needs a cut throat negotiator that's savvy with gold in order to secure Skyrim's prosperity - and you're just the one for the job!
Here are a few things you could be able to do...
- Loan money to earn interest. For example, a weapon-smith might mention that his forge is old and in disrepair. If only he had $2,000 gold to fix it, he could craft better weapons and make more money. You would then have the option to loan the money to him, and even set the interest rate! Of course, the interest rate would be balanced between yours and the debtors mercantile skill. Be careful though! You don't want to loan money to the local moonsugar junkie! Trust me, he'll ask you.
- Purchase a business. Anything is up for grabs, provided that the owner is willing to sell - inns, pubs, shops, farms, mills, stables, ships, and more! Of course there are always risks! Your shop could be robbed blind, your mill could go up in flames, your trade ship could sink... so don't forget to buy insurance!
- Buy and sell stock. Bigger business, like a shipping company, bank, school, or manufacturer could offer public stock options. You could buy and sell shares to earn money! You could even complete quests to increase the profitability of a business you invest in. For example, lets say you buy 500 shares of "Nordic Shipping & Trade" for $20 gold each... But later you find out that the company is loosing lots of money due to pirate raids. You could then go find the pirate base and eliminate them! Once the news gets out, your shares skyrocket to $50 gold each and you sell them for the profit!
I've been thinking about the idea of owning businesses, and here's some ideas...
Employees. For each business you own, you'd have to hire employees to run it. For example, if you own a weapons forge you must hire at least a blacksmith to make the product. A blacksmith with a very high skill rating requires more pay, which eats into your profit a little. However, he'll make much better items and increase your profit in the long run. In addition to the blacksmith you could also hire someone with high mercantile to run the storefront. You could pay to have your employees trained to higher skill levels.
Upgrades. Businesses could also be upgraded. Let's say you own an inn. Some of the upgrades might include quality furniture for the rooms, a winery for the cellar, and a fancy sign to attract customers. The aforementioned weapons forge might get an improved furnace to work with higher quality metals, and an alter of enchanting.
Risks. Any business could be robbed. Ships and buildings could be damaged by storms and fires. Lot's of possibilities here! Imagine, the health inspector shutting down your inn for a whole month because of a Bedbug infestation, or the receiving heavy fines for price gouging.
Micromanagement. You'd be able to adjust your business hours, pay rate of employees, price of services and merchandise, insurance coverage, and more! You could even choose whether to accept stolen goods or not!
Resource gathering. Lets say one of the businesses you own (or deal with) is a Mining Company that supplies metals to your weapon smiths and armorers. You could explore mines and caves and mark the locations of good ore deposits on a map, and then give (or sell) the information to the miners. There would then be an effect on the inventory and profitability of your shops! This could also work well with alchemy shops... you could find the location of fresh ingredients and one of your employees could harvest them.
NOTE: On the technical side of things, the economy doesn't have to be simulated 100%... It just has to be able to respond in a visible way to the player's actions. For example, lets say you complete the Traders' Guild quest line, soon you might start to see people wearing nicer clothes, and there would be fewer beggars on the streets. It just has to be enough so the player feels like their actions were important.
this is a good idea, and i like the realism