Scene 11: Torso of an armored figure, standing in profile, a sword in his right hand and his left held in a fist in front of his head. He has a long mustache. His armor appears to be Lorical Segmentata, suggesting Imperial origin. It is very similar to the Oblivion Blades armor. The fire wavers in front of him, not touching his person.
VO: "In their tongue, he's [Novakeem/ Novak'leen]" (exact transcription cannot be determined)
Those are not mustaches, but flames coming out of the mouth of the "Dragon Born".
As for what I have seen in the trailer, I can see that the central man is the dragon lord who is sending the dragons out to kill people, and in the last scene we can see that people are dead and made into burning skeletons, but the "Dragon Born" is immune with a shield held in front of him, and flames coming out of his mouth.
A few scenes before that we could see Nords battling Imperials or Akaviri.
So as I have hoped we have to fight dragons, and I hope in the middle of the game, we find out that maybe *we* are the predicted dragon born, like in Morrowind, and I hope again just like Morrowind, there is an element of uncertainty for the fact if we really are the one.