Its basically just the date as that type of date only occurs once a century.
If this helps, 11 (in numerology) is the master number. 10 is considered the perfect number, that of satan, and 1 above that (being 11) represents perfect equality and the master number. 11, 11, 11 would sum up to the most powerful master number that you can have in numerology, 33. This is the number of the Avatar. "When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force is extremely rare."
I follow illuminati conspiracies a lot (and its likely something global will happen on that day, hopefully the world doesnt end, becaus ei want ESV) and they use numerology and other occult symbolism for the foresighting of events like 9/11 and such. Maybe the developers are into either occult numerology, or theyre being controlled by the illuminati (used as influential media) to send messages to the people of the world. After all the video game industry is exploding, and Elder scrolls is at the top. Hope fully the information on the avatar number, or anything else ive said can be put to further use here. maybe defining the main character.