Aye, they do, but then, Cyrodiil is heavily inspired by Akavir.
It feels more Asian to me than other things.
On the other side, remember "mother's coming to get me in the dragon-ships"? Speculation that that was a hint to the next game appears to be gaining in accuracy.
Okay, so here's my thoughts on the quote from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Thurindil. If his "father" is Julianos, perhaps he means Jhunal, the Nordic Rune god. I wonder if Julianos' symbol (a triangle) can be found in the stone carving in the trailer. According to Thurindil, his "mother" is Mohi-Titona, the Queen of Akavir. So far I'm seeing a Skyrim (Nordic god reference) and Akavir intersection here. The full remark about the dragon-ships is this: "Mother's coming for me in the dragon ships. I don't like these itchy clothes, but I have to wear them or it frightens the fish." The queen of Akavir is invading in dragon ships? What are the itchy clothes? Maybe Thurindil and others are really Tsaesci pretending to be otherwise, and poor Thurindil has just given himself away? According to http://oblivion.wikia.com/wiki/Tsaesci link, there are rumors of "true" Akaviri still on Tamriel. Maybe they are stirring. The most puzzling is this: "These slugs climbing my spine itch something fierce." I must admit that the only thing I can think of here is the Sload, but Thras is far, far away from Skyrim, so I'm at a loss here.
Not that I actually believe what I guessed here, but is Thurindil to Skyrim what Oddfrid-White Lip (and Geilir the Mumbling) was to Oblivion?