Skyrim - Undeath

Post » Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:10 am

Skyrim - Undeath

Version 1.0.0 available now on the SkyrimNexus!

What is this mod?

Skyrim - Undeath is my (one of many in Skyrim's modding history) attempt to create an immersive Lichdom mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It will have a questline that sees the player track down and stop a powerful necromancer and his followers who are seeking the lost secrets of this heretical transformation, and ensure they remain hidden... or claim them for themselves. This mod will require both Dawnguard AND Dragonborn.

This was a personal project I began a while back, and I've been working on it whenever I've had the chance for a very long time. The ability for a character to transcend their mortality and become an immortal undead Lich is always a concept that has fascinated and excited me, but actually making this a reality in Skyrim has taken a lot of work.

In many ways, the path to modifying Skyrim to allow the player to become a Lich has felt like the actual elusive, and arcane process of Lichdom itself. I've researched and studied necromancy and lore for years to implement it in a sensible way, and had to learn the esoteric Black Arts of scripting, modelling and texturing to fulfill my ambitions. I've seen many great projects filled with passion and great ideas rise and fall around this concept, with others attempting the process giving up in frustration or lack of time. But through determination, perseverance and many months of insane experiments that has driven me almost to the very brink of my sanity, I have finally achieved my goal.


When a powerful necromancer and his followers seek out the forbidden secrets of immortality that could threaten Skyrim, will you defeat him to stop his evil quest, or continue it yourself?

Uncover a small new questline that will take you to the frigid peaks of the Dragontail Mountains themselves, and beyond, as you pursue a powerful necromancer and his followers, and thwart their plans to acquire powerful artifacts and ingredients for an unholy ritual. What you choose to do with those reagents, and the forbidden knowledge they have stolen however, is up to you...


Current Version: 1.0.0

The state of Lichdom is not all that 'Undeath' will add to Skyrim however. There are many new and lore friendly books, items and utilities:

  • Undeath Questline: A fully featured questline that allows the player to discover and obtain the necessary components for the ritual of undeath.
  • 3 new dungeons: Delve into the sewer network beneath Skyrim's capital of Solitude and root out its unseemly resident. Explore Hermaeus-Mora's Daedric realm of Oblivion in search of dark and buried secrets, and for those familiar with TES: Daggerfall, return to the Dragontail Mountains and the infamous crypt network that the King of Worms and his sinister followers once called home at Scourg Barrow.
  • 2 necromancer lairs: Claim two new fittingly desolate lairs for necromancer or dark themed characters to call their own, and upgrade as they see fit.
  • New Vendor: Seek out the mysterious 'Broker' and barter for poisons, black soul gems, flesh and hearts. A purveyor of resources other merchants would not dare to provide!
  • Shade of the Revenant: Show your devotion to the Black Arts by offering grand soul gems to the forgotten patron of Necromancy at his altars. Evoke dark magic to blacken Grand and greater soul gems for your use!
  • Poison Spells: A range of virulent poison and decay spells have been added to magical vendors across Skyrim as would befit the arsenal of a necromage.
  • Dark Pact: There is great power in the spilling of blood. Make an offering of your own at certain altars and gain the power to control up to five reanimated creatures at once.
  • Imported Books: A range of necromantic lore, new and old has been imported from past TES titles.

Coming in the next update!

  • Custom Soundtrack: Full custom soundtrack for all new areas composed by León van der Stadt.
  • Voiced NPCs: Fully voiced new vendor and possibly more!

Please note this is only version 1.0.0 and no compatibility testing with other mods has been done yet! Please PM any major issues to me, and I will endeavor to fix these for the next update. Install at your own peril!

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