There could be one thread where all informations would be gathered. Without post option. Just regularly updated post.
Schema could be like this:
---=== Last actualization
---=== Videos ===---
---=== General information ===---
---=== Plot ===---
---=== Gameplay ===---
---=== Combat ===---
---=== Character development ===---
---=== Interviews links ===---
---=== Other ===---
I hope you know what I'm talking about.
There's an example how one Witcher fan (Szypek26) created really impressive FAQ:
I hope this isn't inappropriate. And I know you won't understand anything from this link, because it's in, but I want you to know how does it looks like.
Please forgive me possible mistakes, english isn't my native language.
PS It's not going to be wiki. Just simple overview of known facts about Skyrim.