But I digress, before yet another can of worms is opened.
While the game does have its faults, the best way to sum this game up is "Here. You've just been dropped off at Helgen, nearly had your head cut off, and a dragon's interference allowed you to escape. What do YOU plan on doing now?"
Depends on what you're using. Mages use magic, warriors use handed weapons, and theives use daggers/bows, but NONE of these are restricted to the type of character you want to play. You can do it all, if you want.
Combat is simple. Just press the RT button and hack away.
It blows, and badly. It's the very reason I can never agree this game is the best of this generation. The perk system is flawed which means you'll be OP (over powered) before level 30, and the combat quickly bores because of it.
The leveling system is a sliding scale, and worse, any time you enter an area, clear it, and should find some reason to return to it, only the "final boss" is leveled while all the other inhabitants are fixed at the level you first entered the area.
The design for this system makes sense: rarely do we return to a place we've cleaned out. That is, unless a quest sends you back and you happened to explore the area earlier than planned.
Because you're OP, you'll get to the stage in the game where you can literally one-shot kill a dragon with an arrow. Damage? HA! By the time you've leveled up your smithing skills, you can attain the armor cap which makes you near impossible to kill.
All this because leveling blows.
You can "gimp" your character, refusing to take perks and staying away from ultra weapons and armor, but then you run the risk of trying to figure out where the balance is, and this game doesn't have one.
For example, when you hit level 10, new enemies appear, wearing better armor and using better weapons, but the jump is so instant, you'll find yourself watching the loading screen instead of a death. This WILL happen with your first time play, so expect it.
Despite this flaw, it's still a game I'd recommend, so buy it, play it, then come back and tell us what you think.