I believe it was Nietzsche who said that morality is for the weak and less fortunate while great men thrive and make a good life for themselves.
But really, being bad is always going to have more rewards than being good. That's life.
1 Nietzsche may have said a lot of insightful things, but even he would argue that he's probably made a few errors in his day.
2 I think you undervalue friendship, and in real life if you kill someone, you'll probably be killed or jailed for life.
These responses don't surprise me really. Our society has gotten to the point where anyone that is a genuinely good and honorable person is looked down upon, viewed almost as though there is something wrong with being that way.
The game is the way it is and I'm fine with that. My comments are directed more at those who try to justify the game as being okay with the game having an evil preference by saying "that's life". There should definitely be good and evil ways to play the game, but I think the developers should have found a better way of rewarding both types of player equally. This isn't real life, it's a game. Can't we at least have some balance?
I disagree a little, but I agree with your important point. I don't think society is evil, but many people seem to think it's funny or cool to be cruel and I think the general message inside the game helps perpetuate that ideology. It would be nice to see some seriously wonderful rewards for playing a saint. Perhaps have the 8 gods of Tamriel each give quests that only purely good characters can follow.
If they wanted it to be more like real life, they could make it so guards can:
1 surround and overpower you no matter how big and powerful you are
2 slap some irons on your wrists
3 throw you in a cell with a bunch of cutthroat bandits that all have the same murderous tendencies as you.
I digress, it's a game, and a wonderfully fun game to play, but I agree with the original message "Skyrim wants you to be bad" and I do wish it rewarded kindness a little more. To be fair, most games actually do condone killing (and oddly enough try to portray something natural like nudity as wrong). I'm not sure how that's going to affect people in the future, but politicians will probably eventually limit our gaming options if we don't start seeing more games with a positive message option.