You folks on here moaning about stuff.
Skyrim is what it is and thats pretty damn near brilliant.
Just think, if they made it perfect you wouldn't buy the next one because perfect would mean this one didn't end.
They do it with Fifa, they don't put everything they can into a game so you wish they had and then buy the next one in the hopes of it being the perfect game.
Plus, also, you have to remember the time/budget constraints when making this game. I'm sure you wouldn't mind waiting another three years if it meant the game was bug/glitch free and perfect no matter how you played the game but I am sure the share holders would. They want it out now, with minimum overheads and costs and lets face it. The business of game making is making money out of our enjoyment.
So what if it isn't 100% perfect, you bought it didn't you? And 99.9% of you will buy the next one and the one after that.
Doesn't stop you having an opinion, or suggesting things that might make the game better but lets face it, human nature dictates that you can't please all the people all the time.
If the game was a lump of gold, you'd complain it was too heavy or not shiny enough, my advice is play it, enjoy it, discuss it. But don't moan about it.
It's just a game... Name me ONE thing that is perfect... (apart from this post)
i also dont understand all those whiners. skyrim is an amazing game (aside from some very annyoing bugs which have to be fixed), i have never played something like that before. all those threads complaining about stuff are an embarrassment for a game that might be among the best ever, its simply not justified.
i suppose the next thing will be flaming but whatever:
in shooters, fighting games etc, theres a huge group of people who say "the game svcks" cause they svck at the game.
in skyrim have the feeling people complain a lot cause they dont know how to play. people complaining about a lack of content probably never did some random things on their own or fast travel all the time. people complaining about destruction dont know how to make the best of it with enchantments and support by other magic schools. and so on. i played 140 hrs and i had some negative houghts about the game, but the longer i payed, the more the things they did seem right and i cant say anything else but i see perfection (except for bugs).