If Skyrim was a lump of gold...

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:43 pm

You folks on here moaning about stuff.

Skyrim is what it is and thats pretty damn near brilliant.

Just think, if they made it perfect you wouldn't buy the next one because perfect would mean this one didn't end.

They do it with Fifa, they don't put everything they can into a game so you wish they had and then buy the next one in the hopes of it being the perfect game.

Plus, also, you have to remember the time/budget constraints when making this game. I'm sure you wouldn't mind waiting another three years if it meant the game was bug/glitch free and perfect no matter how you played the game but I am sure the share holders would. They want it out now, with minimum overheads and costs and lets face it. The business of game making is making money out of our enjoyment.

So what if it isn't 100% perfect, you bought it didn't you? And 99.9% of you will buy the next one and the one after that.

Doesn't stop you having an opinion, or suggesting things that might make the game better but lets face it, human nature dictates that you can't please all the people all the time.

If the game was a lump of gold, you'd complain it was too heavy or not shiny enough, my advice is play it, enjoy it, discuss it. But don't moan about it.

It's just a game... Name me ONE thing that is perfect... (apart from this post)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:01 pm

Over hype and over expectation my friend. The one huge elephant in the Forum Room.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:06 pm

And you're moaning about moaners?

Anyway, people have every right to complain if they feel the series has gone heavily downhill. I personally don't think so, but I can still see why people would think that.
Besides, Bethesda can actually read this and think "Hey, these guys have a good point. Maybe we should reconsider [X] for the next TES game."
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:38 pm

Name me ONE thing that is perfect.

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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:16 pm

And you're moaning about moaners?

Anyway, people have every right to complain if they feel the series has gone heavily downhill. I personally don't think so, but I can still see why people would think that.
Besides, Bethesda can actually read this and think "Hey, these guys have a good point. Maybe we should reconsider [X] for the next TES game."

Gone downhill? Most people are complaining about graphics. I personally think they are probably the best graphics I have seen outside the cinema.

Type 'Morrowind' into You Tube if you want to see rubbish graphics.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:01 pm

Type 'Morrowind' into You Tube if you want to see rubbish graphics.

Boy you out yo mind, morrowind's graphics were beautiful.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:06 pm

People will always find something to moan about, humans have been doing it for centuries.

I think it's a fabulous game and I haven't experienced many bugs (yet).

I say stop moaning and enjoy the immersive world that Bethseda have created.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:33 pm

Over hype and over expectation my friend. The one huge elephant in the Forum Room.

^ This.

The game was hailed as the GOTY before it even hit shelves. Reviewers were falling over themselves to hype it up.

Although, for me I think it's lived up to most of the hype, and surpassed my expectations. I'm absolutely loving the game. After 65 hours it's still just as fun as it was at the start. But it was inevitable that other people would set the bar too high, and when Skyrim failed to meet their standards in whatever area (leveling, NPC ai, graphics, etc etc), they were going to complain.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:06 am

Anyone that says a game is perfect is nothing but a really devoted fan/fangirl.

I personally think Morrowind is the best game I've played.....it is far from perfect though...even with mods it isnt perfect.

Skyrim isnt perfect, its pretty damn good, but its still far from a perfect expierence. 'Perfect' is also an objective view.....what i enjoy is not what you might enjoy.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:19 pm

And if Skyrim was a lump of feces you guys would say it doesn't stink. Sad but true.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:43 am

Boy you out yo mind, morrowind's graphics were beautiful.


So if they released Morrowind today across all platforms exactly as it was when it came out, all talk of bad graphics would stop?

No grass, just a plain green flat floor... I guess you are right... that DOES sound beautiful.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:27 pm

Gone downhill? Most people are complaining about graphics. I personally think they are probably the best graphics I have seen outside the cinema.

Type 'Morrowind' into You Tube if you want to see rubbish graphics.

Complaining about graphics is pretty valid, too.
I'm running the game fully maxed on my PC and close-up textures make my eyes hurt. Normally it doesn't bother me, but I'll give you an example.

When talking to the (female) Blacksmith in Whiterun when she's leaning against the pole that supports her house I get distracted from the actual speech options and just stare at the incredibly poor textures on said pole...
When you run past it, it's fine. When you're standing still and facing it, it looks like something straight out of 2003.

That being said I personally don't mind the graphics, but I can relate to what people are saying. They make good points, otherwise there would likely not be such an amount of complaints about it anyway.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:45 pm


So if they released Morrowind today across all platforms exactly as it was when it came out, all talk of bad graphics would stop?

No grass, just a plain green flat floor... I guess you are right... that DOES sound beautiful.

Of course it wouldnt stop, because all people care about today is graphics and multiplayer.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:25 pm

If people didn't complain how would the series continue to grow as it has done? Many complaints from OB were addressed in SK, and chances are the same thing will happen with the next iteration. That's how it works. Although there is a difference between just saying "mahgawd this game svcks I want my money back" and offering constructive criticism (which most people do). If you disagree with a criticism - discuss it! Your opinion is just as important and valid as anyone else's. But making a thread complaining about vague complaints isn't useful at all.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:27 pm

I say stop moaning and enjoy the immersive world that Bethseda have created.

Or - enjoy the game AND moan (constructively) about it's flaws, in the hopes that Bethesda make an even better game next time.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:36 pm

Besides, Bethesda can actually read this and think "Hey, these guys have a good point. Maybe we should reconsider [X] for the next TES game."

It's not impossible.

Although expect your point to be ignored if you just post a topic claiming the game is Broken, Full of Bugs, That 'it is {censored}', that you're demanding a refund, etc when what you actually mean is none of the above but "I want the game to play the game like THIS! But that's not how you play the game. So I demand that Bethesda change it all JUST FOR ME!"

Which sadly is 90% of the posts on this forum... <_<

If you have a valid complaint (Yeah. A rareity) where a genuine bug or glitch breaks your save game or halts progress, go over to the Hardware and Software Issues forum and post details, complete with a method of reproduction. You nevver know, the bug might get fixed in a future patch...

But just pissing and moaning about game design, in a childish drama queen fashion, will always be ignored.

Because it makes you look like a hokerr. <_< People ignore hokerrs. Don't be one.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:10 pm

Over hype and over expectation my friend. The one huge elephant in the Forum Room.

except skyrim lived up to the hype and my expectations. im not sure what everyone else was expecting. Im over 100 hrs now, not started act 3 yet, only 2 skills at 100, lvl 38, and no end in sight for quests. The graphics are awesome, the music is awesome, the combat rocks --what were you hoping for and what competitor has it? I dont understand the whining I hear in these forums at all ><
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:08 pm

Bethesda made this game, they know its flaws better than anyone.

They probably take on board people moaning about stuff but it probably just helps them prioritise the things they will change in the next game.

To suggest they sit reading these forums 'learning' where they went wrong is ludicrous.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:33 am

what were you hoping for and what competitor has it? I dont understand the whining I hear in these forums at all ><

Personally I expected Bethesda to not simply ignore perfectly good features the previous TES games had. Most notably the directions you were given in quests in Morrowind. In Skyrim you magically know where an item or something else is located, atleast most of the time. A good example of this is retrieving a sword for a Whiterun citizen. He asks you to "keep an eye out for it in your travels." or something similar. Immediately after the location of the exact dungeon is added to your map, which is quite hard to ignore seeing as it pops up in the top of your screen.
I simply can not understand how they can simply disband a great concept from previous games, leaving out a lot of extra exploration Skyrim could potentially offer.

That being said I don't really give a rat's ass about competitors. The latest game I've played before Skyrim was Oblivion.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:54 pm

Its a sad fact of human nature but it is true that people are MORE likely to complain about Item A than they are to take the time to come back and compliment Item A. Then there is the tall poppy syndrome... if a game is widely accepted as being near perfect ( scores are all in the 9s and 10s on review sites) then certain people feel the need to bring that game down to size by picking at every single one of its imperfections over and over again until the gloss starts to fade. Why do they do this? They claim it is to make Bethesda realise Skyrims imperfections or to make a better TES 6 or whatever hogwash they come up with!... In reality this is all rubbish and they know it... it is to feed their ego, to bring this almighty game down to size, to try to prove to everyone WHY what they think is FACT!

In reality most people who love the game even after 50 hours are too busy playing to come here and complain about it :)
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:39 am

Personally I expected Bethesda to not simply ignore perfectly good features the previous TES games had. Most notably the directions you were given in quests in Morrowind. In Skyrim you magically know where an item or something else is located, atleast most of the time. A good example of this is retrieving a sword for a Whiterun citizen. He asks you to "keep an eye out for it in your travels." or something similar. Immediately after the location of the exact dungeon is added to your map, which is quite hard to ignore seeing as it pops up in the top of your screen.
I simply can not understand how they can simply disband a great concept from previous games, leaving out a lot of extra exploration Skyrim could potentially offer.

That being said I don't really give a rat's ass about competitors. The latest game I've played before Skyrim was Oblivion.

I can see where trawling the length and breadth of Skyrim for a sword in return for 200 gold would be a good feature. :toughninja:

I'm just glad they fixed it! :biggrin:
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:49 pm

I can see where trawling the length and breadth of Skyrim for a sword in return for 200 gold would be a good feature. :toughninja:

I'm just glad they fixed it! :biggrin:

Well I believe when you first meet the guy, he's talking to his wife about having tracked down the location of the bandits that stole it.

Would it really be that far fetched if he said something along the lines of: "Head east out of town, cross the river. Follow the path along the White River, their cave is located on the right side of this path."
I honestly can't believe any fully functioning human being would prefer the psychic approach over this one. And even if you do want to rush off immediately, you can just skip the conversation.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:16 pm

Well I believe when you first meet the guy, he's talking to his wife about having tracked down the location of the bandits that stole it.

Would it really be that far fetched if he said something along the lines of: "Head east out of town, cross the river. Follow the path along the White River, their cave is located on the right side of this path."
I honestly can't believe any fully functioning human being would prefer the psychic approach over this one. And even if you do want to rush off immediately, you can just skip the conversation.

Yeah point taken, that kind of detail would be good.

Maybe in the next game eh... :spotted owl:
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:11 pm

Another useless thread complaining about complains. Thread like this have people in it form a little nice circle of themselves, shake head and laugh about another group of people. It's like high school girls giggling at another group of girls because they disagree witch each others fashion (ie. opinion). Dude, grow some ball and join the discussion to make game EVEN MORE NEAR PERFECTION, 99% you said? there still 0.999999999 ground of improvement.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:15 pm

I get the results of survey completions.

- a lot of them come in with a 10 in everything. They're useless. If someone tells you "everything is great", then beyond ego-massaging, what possible use is that to me???

The same is true for bethseda, don't be afraid to say "this part of the game is great", but when things are severely below acceptable levels, there's no point smiling and saying - "interface, wow is two thumbs up!!! :)"...

- the interface stinks. Some nice ideas, just doesn't work.
- crafting balance is hopeless. 90 bajillion damage after crafting 90 bajillion iron daggers?
- PC graphics aren't very optimal

Beyond that, the only issue that everyone seems to agree on is that 'dragon balance feels off'.
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