That's true - in fact, I know quite a few people who BOUGHT a 360 - at the time when the price was still a bit up there - for Oblivion.
I bought into the 360 when it was released in Nov of "05", and to my dismay, was totally bummed that Oblivion was put off for almost 4 more months. Oblivion was one of the reasons why I bought into console. I loved Morrowind on the o.g. Xbox, but the PC version was way better. I love Beth game (RPGS period) that I have bought them on both platforms. I have Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 on both the 360 and PC. Only New Vegas and Skyrim did I stick with the PC version. I am done playing RPGs on consoles, they jsut don't fit, because of the inability to mod and create your own item the way you want. If consoles would allow that, I may reconsider.
Too emphasize my point on Beth games, they are the only makers of RPGs where I bought them on console as well. The only other RPG(s) I bought on console that I did get on PC as well from another company was KoTOR and Mass Effect. But those game was exclusive to the Xbox/360 for months before the PC versions came out and I couldn't wait. All other Bioware games since and before are strictly PC and always will be (if I buy from them anymore).