Sadly, Bioware seem to have lost their focus and USP since being consumed by EA. ME and DA:O were both superb games, I could just about cope with ME2 for the story although it had gone a bit too "shooter" for my liking, but I'm not sure which direction ME3 is taking, and more to the point I don't think Bioware seem to be sure of the direction they want to go either, which is more worrying.
This^ so much. DA2 was so disappointing that I will never ever pre-order a Bioware game again, ME3 included. I pre-ordered DA2 based on its incredible predecessor which is easily one of my fav RPGs of all time. ME2 was way too much action for me and too many RPG aspects were removed from ME for my taste. But like you, the story seemed to continue so I stilled liked ME2. IMO, ME is the greatest story in a game I have ever experienced, totally epic. But Bioware has lost its way (note how it changed once EA bought it). They admitted they didn't like the fan backlash over DA2 and the sales reflected when their stated goal was to attract a more diverse crowd (sneak-speak for console gamers). But, considering how well Origins did on the consoles, most of the complaints regarding DA2 were from console gamers, and of course, near unanimously from PC gamers.
Having said this, the leads on the ME series have been all over the place with their claims regarding the RPG style in ME3. First, Casey Hudson made huge claims that many of the first Mass Effect's RPG aspects will be brought back, which I was happy to hear. Then the CEO of EA made a different statement to the opposite and Hudson then seemed to follow the CEO's stance, wanting to make the game action. He clearly want the COD crowd. They are adding multi-player to it and of course Kinect, and those are primary reasons for delaying the release. Now that this was all revealed, I will wait to purchase ME3 based (never on site reviews) what my friends say, since most of them follow my taste in gaming, especially RPGs. EA didn't learn its lesson with DA2, because most of the COD crowd (the crowd they are trying to attract) that bought into Origins, disliked DA2. I want ME3 to do well, but I won't get it if it is another action game.
Mass Effect was completed before EA acquired Bioware and Origins was well into its development before the acquisition, so not much could change from that aspect. It was when EA got Bioware, that the decision was made to make Origins a port to consoles, as it was going to be a PC only game.