Skyrim was rushed because of Mass Effect 3

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:59 am

Why wouldn't they wait one more month and spend time testing and debugging the game? Seriously, there had to be a motive of some sort. I don't think Skyrim is different enough from Oblivion to warrant a game of the year. Skyrim is supposedly a revolutionary game, but I don't see it. It's like re-textured Oblivion with dragons. The best part of Skyrim is the first 20 minutes.

It's called "Christmas". You're welcome.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:20 pm

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lucy chadwick
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:42 am

ppl always find something to whine about..sigh! why?¨'

t h e g a m e i s f i n e!
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:58 am

hm......derp....goty is a meaningless title.... on top of that were feeding the troll
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michael flanigan
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:47 am

Skyrim was obviously rushed (small cities with various excuses for that size, loads of bugs) but I'd say it's because they wanted a catchy release date rather than ME3.
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:45 am

I am convinced that Bethesda rushed Skyrim and released it with all of these bugs because Mass Effect 3 will be released early 2012. That way Skyrim can get game of the year without much competition.

If ever I was held at gunpoint range and forced to pass comment, I'd say it's the other way around:
Mass Effect 3 was delayed becuase of Skyrim.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:14 am

well at least the troll will be nice and full...sigh.....[censored] it im out :jammasterjay:
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:09 am

I know you're trolling, because if you played ME2 you know thats clearly not the case. But hey, if you want to talk [censored] about skyrim being dumbed down for the console kiddies then you must have had a really good time talking about ME2. So much so in fact that they vowed(yet won't) to reinsert a lot of those rpg staples they stripped out. Never mind me2's awful story, how'd you like killing terminator at the end? I also love bioware's particular brand of continuity. Yea man choice matters! Like so much so that the only reflection of which is some random npc showing up and being like "yo remember that time we did blah blah blah?" "Yea man good times, well peace out!" I will give them one thing though, i bet they won't resurrect any squadmates that died during that so called "suicide mission" like their friends David Gayder and company did in DA2.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:53 am

AW man,... I am buying Mass Effect 3!
ha ha!

Yeah and I bet Mass Effect 3 doesn't crash ALL the time either. At least BioWare knows how to QA a product before releasing it. Skyrim is a complete mess.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:04 am

Yeah and I bet Mass Effect 3 doesn't crash ALL the time either. At least BioWare knows how to QA a product before releasing it. Skyrim is a complete mess.

Then don'y play it. My experience with the game has been fantastic. I tis an open-world game. Made by bethesda. Look at the track record that happened with EVERY GAME THEY HAVE MADE. they will fix the bigger bugs soon.

Also at the Op you showed you incredibly stupid bias when you pointed out you though it was rushed because of, for the love of god, mass effect? Skyrim announced its release date far before mass effect and mass effect moves THEIRS BACK a year. Skyrim has no competition from mass effect. At all. Mass effect is there for the story while skyrim is here for the freedom. Mass effect is and INCREDIBLY linear game. While number 1 did indeed give u a ton of exploration and made me want to come back for more playhroughs. I found mass effect 2 to be terrible. It was no where near as engaging as the first one and the damn story was so boring i found myself just mashing the button to avoid a 10 minute scene of me talking.

If you were to say it was trying to compete with kingdoms of amalur which is being written by R.A. Mother [censored] SALVATORE I would agree with you (except for the whole release announcement thing again) He is like the J.K. Rowling of D&D books.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:28 pm

Exactly. Instead or choosing a release date a whole year before the release they should have waited and released the game when it was done.

Bethesda executives probably told the dev team that there is no choice, they want the game released before the christmas shopping season.

I have more respect for Bioware for pushing back the release date. I also have more respect for Origin for pushing the release date of Starwars: The Old Republic back to just a few days before Christmas. These companies know the importance of delivering a quality product.

Have you participated in the beta for Old Republic? I've been in since August and can tell you no amount of pushing the date back--so long as they keep it in 2011--will help the state of that game. Expect lots of bugs and half-finished/underdeveloped features on the 20th. Secondly, the date wasn't "pushed-back." The 20th has always been the announced day of launch (likely only because Best Buy leaked it). Also, that game is being developed specifically by BioWare.

As for Skyrim, I'm not certain the game was anymore rushed than any other Elder Scrolls game. Open world games will be buggy--some more than others--but Skyrim seems to have the right level of polish to be considered complete. Buggy, yes. Incomplete, no.
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Tyler F
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:18 pm

This is really a poor quality hypothesis about ME3. They aren't the same kind of game. Fantasy =/= Sci-Fi. I love both and I can tell you that this theory is a bunch of [censored].

Have you participated in the beta for Old Republic? I've been in since August and can tell you no amount of pushing the date back--so long as they keep it in 2011--will help the state of that game. Expect lots of bugs and half-finished/underdeveloped features on the 20th.

I'm so glad I'm not the only person saying this.

I started testing in the second closed stage of testing much earlier in the year; and the game looks/plays exactly how it did before.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:58 pm

I lold@op.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:45 pm

Yeah, I am sure it would not have anything to do with the enormous backlash on the rather terrible DA2 rushed release. And Bioware changed their ME3 release date well after Skyrim was announced. :shrug:
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Ben sutton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:33 pm

Mass Effect 3 cannot compete with Skyrim. They're not very closely related at all genre-wise, not to mention that after Mass Effect 1 Bioware started going downhill with that series. Expect ME3 to be much more of an fps than an rpg.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:55 am

It released at the same time as MW3, the best selling game of all time, your argument is invalid
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:48 am

I heard a rumor that you're an idiot.

Any truth to that?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:17 am

Have you participated in the beta for Old Republic? I've been in since August and can tell you no amount of pushing the date back--so long as they keep it in 2011--will help the state of that game. Expect lots of bugs and half-finished/underdeveloped features on the 20th. Secondly, the date wasn't "pushed-back." The 20th has always been the announced day of launch (likely only because Best Buy leaked it). Also, that game is being developed specifically by BioWare.

As for Skyrim, I'm not certain the game was anymore rushed than any other Elder Scrolls game. Open world games will be buggy--some more than others--but Skyrim seems to have the right level of polish to be considered complete. Buggy, yes. Incomplete, no.

It's always been a hallmark of games that have a lot of complexity happening under the hood with scripting and pathing and so on, that fixing bugs can often introduce new bugs because of the fixes.

It's a lot easier to fine-tune and calibrate a machine that only has 5 gears compared to a machine that has 200,000 gears.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:10 pm

Well if that is the case it was a bad move because this is not GOTY material
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:41 pm

MW3 and Skyrim compete with completely different markets. They are in two different genres. Most of the people I know will play the hell out of MW3 until MW4 comes out. Skyrim is more for the RPG Sandbox crowd. The combat in Skyrim is unbalanced and buggy. The game tries to do a lot of great things, but because it attempts being good at everything it instead good at nothing.

Well if that is the case it was a bad move because this is not GOTY material

Thank you.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:37 pm

if there's any truth to your premise
it's definitely not because of game of the year of awards

all they care about it sales figures and while game of the year awards do help with that
it's more likely they just didn't want to compete with themselves
don't want to release 2 major RPG's in the same time frame forcing many potential customers to choose between the 2
better to release them some time apart so gamers will end up buying both of them at release
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:24 pm

if there's any truth to your premise
it's definitely not because of game of the year of awards

all they care about it sales figures and while game of the year awards do help with that
it's more likely they just didn't want to compete with themselves
don't want to release 2 major RPG's in the same time frame forcing many potential customers to choose between the 2
better to release them some time apart so gamers will end up buying both of them at release

I will admit that. Maybe it didn't have everything to do with ME3. But there definitely had to be a reason, be it seasonal sales or corporate pressure.
But there must be an underlying cause as to why the game has been released while incomplete.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:38 pm

I honestly don't believe it to be incomplete. I think, bugs and glitches notwithstanding , this is the game they intended.
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Kelly John
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:15 pm

Then don'y play it. My experience with the game has been fantastic. I tis an open-world game. Made by bethesda. Look at the track record that happened with EVERY GAME THEY HAVE MADE. they will fix the bigger bugs soon.

Also at the Op you showed you incredibly stupid bias when you pointed out you though it was rushed because of, for the love of god, mass effect? Skyrim announced its release date far before mass effect and mass effect moves THEIRS BACK a year. Skyrim has no competition from mass effect. At all. Mass effect is there for the story while skyrim is here for the freedom. Mass effect is and INCREDIBLY linear game. While number 1 did indeed give u a ton of exploration and made me want to come back for more playhroughs. I found mass effect 2 to be terrible. It was no where near as engaging as the first one and the damn story was so boring i found myself just mashing the button to avoid a 10 minute scene of me talking.

If you were to say it was trying to compete with kingdoms of amalur which is being written by R.A. Mother [censored] SALVATORE I would agree with you (except for the whole release announcement thing again) He is like the J.K. Rowling of D&D books.

For the record, I've never played the Mass Effect games, they don't really interest me.. I have however, played other BioWare games like Dragon Age. As far as the "Don't play it" comment - easy for you to say? I just spent $60 bucks on the game as I LOVE RPGs and hystorically the Elder Scrolls series have been nothing short of FANTASTIC!! I WANT to play this game, just can't at the moment, it's rather frustarting to spend 60 bucks on something that flat out doesn't work. :(
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:52 am

For the record, I've never played the Mass Effect games, they don't really interest me.. I have however, played other BioWare games like Dragon Age. As far as the "Don't play it" comment - easy for you to say? I just spent $60 bucks on the game as I LOVE RPGs and hystorically the Elder Scrolls series have been nothing short of FANTASTIC!! I WANT to play this game, just can't at the moment, it's rather frustarting to spend 60 bucks on something that flat out doesn't work. :(

Exactly. I got the PC version, so it's not like I can go to Gamestop or Monster games and just be rid of it. It will be haunting my steam account until modders finally finish the game and I can play it.
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