» Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:05 pm
Want to talk about game breaking bugs? My game glitched, where my character's head got cut off right after I used a heal potion and then he lived. I finished the boss battle like that and kept playing thinking that once I reloaded it it would be fixed. It did reappear when I reloaded the game, but it just keeps popping off! Every time I use unrelenting force it falls off again, also whenever I get on a horse.
It's was funny, but now it's just annoying. I don't want to reload an old save and undo hours of gameplay.
Also, after this last patch my game freezes every time I try to enter whiterun. I've had the game freeze and crash hundreds of times on top of that.
I've been gaming for a long time, but I've never had so many problems.