Skyrim Wasteland Overhaul

Post » Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:12 am

This is a copy/paste from my mods description. With that...

So first off...before I even begin...

For those looking for things along the lines of lore...

First off. When NPCs go "BRRR SO COLD!"...just think you are on a tropical island..and then go back to reality and you find it is a cold, harsh wasteland. There, the wasteland of Skyrim is still really cold. :P Just because it is a wasteland, doesn't mean it is hot.

And before I go further. Not all areas of Skyrim are fully changed...some are smaller changes, just as I wanted it. The biggest disaster is Whiterun and the surrounding area, but other areas have changed too.

Next...if you are wanting a reason the land is torn asunder. Well for one...war destroys and changes land...second...maybe the effects of Morrowind have affected Skyrim too. Lots of lore possibilities. :)

Now with that said...

IF YOU WANT THE GAME TO LOOK LIKE HOW THIS MOD WAS MADE FOR AND IN MY SCREENSHOTS OPEN CONSOLE AND TYPE WITHOUT QUOTES. - Also makes hardcoe survival with frostfall :) and looks cool with wet and cold ashes.

"fw xx032336 1" "help solstheim" and the first two numbers of solstheim replaces the xx. For example, mine is 07032336. Btw, the 1 at the end makes it permanent. :) This is pretty much most important thing to do, as the mod was based for it. As for what it does, permanent ash storm...but, the weather does clear out a bit, but still leaves the ash clouds.

Also, the ENB not copy the ENB folder into Skyrim. Inside is all the files to put into the data folder. THE ENB FOLDER IS OPTIONAL

Again ENB FOLDER IS OPTIONAL AND FOR HIGH END PCs. my PC kinda svcks (okay it really svcks, and I only get 20FPS and 30 in interiors...)and can't really run the ENB that well. But you can turn some stuff off to save ENB, read up on how elsewhere or use whatever ENB you choose or whatever lighting mod (if any).

Also, the ENB I custom made. :)

And lastly. For the bridges in the screenshots, I use this mod:

now for the mod itself...

I have changed land textures (not all may be apparent). I have changed a lot of the trees/foliage (but not all). And of course the ENB adds a lot to the effect. I also made personal changes to the night sky.

Really, a lot of this is lighting changes and texture changes for now. However, it makes such a huge change...makes it almost horror like. It feels really creepy going through Skyrim now. Especially with the above weather code always on.

With that said...I want this to be more than just a texture overhaul with a custom ENB. So, some point in time...because I like to play Skyrim and my life is rather busy right now so my modding is a bit random. I will be adding different effects from Dragonborn, adding ruins in various places to give it that wasteland look and make a huge city of ruins with nasty stuff in it and a big reward. No quests though...I svck at that. And I prefer voice acted quests, and I am not able to spend that much time with that.

But, my goal is to add a lot of destruction to the part, to show the war of imperials vs stormcloaks vs thalmor has taken a huge hit to the land. That, and the effects of Morrowind itself going into Skyrim. I will however not be changing any cities (I like them how they are, but I use open cities mod)...I may change/add to towns though.

And I am going to try and keep it as close to Elder Scrolls as I can...but I am sure it will be similar to Fallout in ways :P

Anyway, with all that said...don't think anything else to add. Hope you all enjoy. :)

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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:38 pm

Permanent ash winter holocaust, still makes Windhelm look better.

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Courtney Foren
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