» Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
Not too easy for me. You start by being weak (too weak in certain case I think) and become a demi-god, but not too fast (if you don't massively use and combine craft at least). Of course it is probably very different depending on the archetype, I played a sneaky bosmer archer/thief and a powerful redguard using heavy armor, axe and shield but no high level mage.
The first character was perfectly balanced for master, it was not too easy (a lot of beast did OS me) but I had the skills to surprise them and win the fight. I just had to be careful and to engage the foes myself, not hesitating to retreat (which is normal for an archer) but not too often (which would be boring). I had to use poisons and potions often but not in every fight.
But when I switched to my warrior I found it less balanced, and less fun. I had to flee a lot (more than my sneaky one!!!) which wasn't really fun for a melee character... I felt both the power and survivability were inferior to my sneaky character despite fleeing a lot... I had to avoid a lot of attacks instead of parrying them. I understand it's normal at my level to avoid powerful blow, but it was far more efficient not to use my shield at all and avoiding everything. It more or less destroys the point of playing one hand/shield at low level
So I put the difficulty to expert and this time I had a lot of fun. Avoiding power attacks but parrying normal hit (well maybe it was still more efficient to avoid everything but at least parrying was enjoyable), running around enemies not to be circled but not fleeing every time I take a hit, having to use potions from time to time...
On higher level, I put the difficulty back to master and it was funny again.
On the contrary, my mage (I only played him low level) is the most powerful of the three feeling a too easy and overpowered. I can't say at high level though, I know people think destruction is weak but I also use conjuration, alteration and restoration in combat so it's not much of an issue for me since destruction is just a way to deal more damage after I did everything else, not the central piece of my gameplay
So to resume, I think the game isn't well balanced (which is not a surprise) but the overall difficulty is correct in master, not too weak. I understand some people would want more of a challenge though, but for my skills, in most games the maximum difficulty is the perfect one for my enjoyment, more difficult than that would in most case be too much for me (I'm literally begging mercy before SMB dark world).