Skyrim - What do you want?

Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:21 am

(I strongly urge you to read this thread and consider carefully before voting, thanks)

The topic is the following...

"When Bethesda finally release Skyrim (11,11,11) they will most likely NOT include some things in the game which they should"

On this thread you can let Bethesda hear your concerns about what should remain (or be introduced) in the release version of the game or in any future DLC. Here are some of the unique features I think should be included:

1. Do you want upperbody AND lowerbody armor pieces?

The reason this was included in Oblivion was because of many reasons but for me the main reason this was introduced was so that the player could put together different pieces of clothing/armor and have different looks instead of 1 "full body" version leaving very little choice for the player. Bethesda have mentioned that they plan to remove upperbody and lowerbody armor pieces and make it so that all upperbody clothing/armor takes up both the upperbody and lowerbody slots. I think this is definately the wrong way to go because the reason that the upperbody AND lowerbody slots feature was so great in Oblivion was because you could put different pieces of clothing and armor together making it possible for you to get your character to look the way YOU want him/her to look. Bethesda also say that the main reason they may make all clothing/armor this way is because they want to include more armor types so you have more to pick from, I say cant you just leave the upperbody and lowerbody slots as they are (similar to in Oblivion) and just add those same pieces of unique clothing/armor in future DLC or patches? You can get far more unique and interesting combinations of clothing AND armor pieces by leaving the upperbody and lowerbody slots as they are without combining both slots into just 1 slot so that you can only equip 1 piece of upperbody armor/clothing. I strongly suggest to Bethesda that they leave the upperbody and lowerbody slots as they are and introduce more pieces of clothing/armor in the DLC so that we gamers can get the best of both worlds instead of being limited to a "suit of armor" or "suit of clothing" like in Fallout 3.

2. Do you want mounted combat?

This was never included in Oblivion and many gamers were let down by this including myself and even more gamers are now saying that this awesomely cool feature should be included in Skyrim. I can honestly only agree to this idea because in Oblivion having to dismount almost all the time just to take down a wolf 10 lvls lower than your own character was aggravating and just plain annoying. Now that in Skyrim dragons will be the ultimate enemy force the average dragon even if weaker than your character will still have 1 strong (even overpowered) advantage which is "speed in flight" and again this will only aggrovate gamers and half the time just get them cheesed off causing the loss of many brave keyboards =X

If mounted combat was introduced it could easily be balanced (not too overpowered) and their are many ways to make this happen. One reason mounted combat should be included is because it is just simply and epicly cool to be able to do this and thats that. Another reason this would be balanced is because apparantly Skyrim will have many areas that are largely open-spaced so enemies that are native to those types of areas (mostly actors not many creatures) could have their own mounts and thus mounted combat between the PC and the enemy would become very possible. Another reason why mounted combat would work very well is because their would be a whole new skill which decides how good your character is at mounted combat, how this would work is the higher your "mounted combat" skill is the more unlikely it would be that your character is forced off their own horse as they charge into a enemy and the more unlikely it would be that any attack from an enemy that hits the PC would force them off their own mount. The mounted combat skill would also reduce the amount of health damage your mount (horse) takes during combat and would also allow your ranged attacks with the bow to be more accurate while mounted (using a bow while mounted reduces accuracy even further). Also it would NOT be possible to use two handed weapons while mounted but you would be able to use any bow. Finally mounted combat would be heavily balanced by 1 more factor which is the health of your mount and should the health of your mount fall to 0 then that mount (horse usually) would be killed and your character would tumble off and be on foot from then on until another mount is found (unless like actors the mount is essential and therefore cannot die and instead gets knocked out for a short time). This would also apply to your enemies so that you could instead attack their mount so that they tumble to the ground and are then on foot.

3. Do you want "conventional guns" to be introduced in Skyrim if they fit in with the game world?

This can be a very sensitive topic that many will disagree with but the question is "should guns be introduced into the Elder Scrolls world with the release Skyrim?" and honestly I have to lean towards yes but ONLY if those guns fit into the lore of the game world itself. For example would you be able to put a minigun or a rocket launcher into the world of Skyrim? Hell no because it would just not make any sense whatsoever. But what about the guns made during our own Colonial age? Would those specific types of guns fit into the lore and the world of Skyrim? I think they would because not only do they fit the technological prowess (in Skyrim they would be considered the "new" tech) but they would also work well in the game itself because and I am sure that many gamers would agree having guns in an Elder Scrolls game for the first time would be greatly epic as long as they worked in the game itself. It would also make perfect sense that the Nords seeing that a great new threat (dragons) has revealed itself would attempt to counter that threat with more powerful weaponary instead of swords, axes or bows. None of the guns would be godly powerful (like for example a mini-nuke featured in Fallout 3) because the only type of guns you would get would be pistols, rifles and maybe the "rapid-firing crossbow" (which is a cylinder attached to the bottom of a crossbow that allows it to fire projectiles automatically). Also because in Skyrim it is possible to have weapons, spells and tools in each hand it would also be possible to have 1 pistol in each hand but NOT a rifle since all rifles would require both hands in order to be used properly (same as any bow does). All guns would obviously require ammo to shoot and you would also be able to hit enemies with the butt of your gun by holding down the button instead of clicking (same as with shield bashing). Pistols would be weaker than rifles but fire faster while Rifles would do more damage with each shot but take longer to reload. Guns would be bought at a "Gun Maker" at expensive prices but later would be craftable. If guns were to be added it is very unlikely that they would be included in the release version of the game so they would have to be introduced in DLC instead.

4. Do you want to be able to see your own 2 feet?

The thing that has always bothered me and I mean ALWAYS bothered me about all 1st person games was the fact that even though they were created to be realistic (looking through the eyes of your character) the creators ALWAYS forgot the 1 crucial thing that made it seem all the more realistic which was being able to look down and see your own 2 feet in front of you. Only a few games that while playing were percieved as "1st person" actually included this vital feature and to be honest when they did I always loved the game's creators for doing so because it made everything seem so much more realistic and believable. Even in Oblivion their were 1 or 2 mods that made it so that while in 1st person view you could see your characters feet, lowerbody and arms, however these mods same were often unsuccessful but still very close. If Bethesda should be working on including anything it is this even if they can only do so with a later patch.

Those are the ideas folks...

P.S. Lets hope that the game editor tool (Creation Kit) is similar to the G.E.C.K in how it edits the game data because the construction set used for Oblivion was by far deplorable.

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Lucie H
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:45 pm

I (censored) Hated when oblivion I could not see my feets and no guns in TES please!
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:00 am

1. They combined upper and lower piece as it yield better results engine wise. I'm for it since it make the game a little better or allow to game push a little more.

2. Mounted Combat would be nice, though melee would only be effective with large foes or other horse riders, archery would be still be effective to some extent.

3. Guns, even if basic guns, shouldn't be in a fantasy game that never had guns in past games. Needs to be in the first game before it can stay, even then I would prefer a gun that focuses magic energy and shot it in a bullet like way. However since Arena didn't have guns, no guns in TES please.

4. I would like to see my feet, adds more immersion, and for me at least, makes jumping off the ledge a bit easier (if you're trying to reach the other side and jump just from the edge).
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:42 pm

Why couldn't you continue this in your active thread instead of making a new one with the same topic?
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:45 am

I'd prefer separated armor, at last some horseback combat - not necessary a full scale, but shooting a fireball form the horseback would be welcome. Don't want any guns. And no fit in first person for me.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:32 pm

Mounted combat would be a nice addition. Don't really care for being able to see your feet. Sure, it'd add to the immersion, but ehh.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:43 pm

Guns, Mounted Combat? Not going to happen.

There was a good reason why they combined cuirass and greaves, this thread is not original, like i said in the last one yet you chose to post another, somewhat improved version of this thread. (mods dun like that)

But I'm diggin' seein my own two feet in skyrim, thats new.

BTW I could totally see mounted combat working on top of The Throat of The World. CHARGGGEE!!! *horse falls from a well aimed sword slash to the legs and you fall hundreds of feet to your death*
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:57 pm

To be honest I always had matching armor so it won't bother me

Mounted combat would be cool, without it I think horses are just about useless

If you want guns in an RPG play fallout
Oh and have you ever shot a crossbow? Do you know how hard it is to pull those back? Just how the hell would you expect to make an automatic crossbow?! It would need to automaticly draw the bow load a bult shoot the bolt and some how draw the bow back automatically? then reload another bolt shoot it and do it again fast enough to be worth while? That's just dumb

And not seeing my own feet... I don't really care because I don't look at my feet when I'm running, yeah I'm strange like that.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:05 am

In a perfect world: yes, yes, absolutely no bloody way, yes. But none of it bothers me too much.
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:05 am

I think guns should be introduced in the future of the Elder Scrolls. Not in the current time period, of course, but it is only natural that they would develop the technology eventually. It is fantasy, yes, but that doesn't mean that the technology has to remain static... that is just plain stupid. I know the inhabitants of Tamriel aren't moronic idiots, they would have to figure it out sometime.

Mounted combat? Oh, yes... it pains me to think that, for a second time in a row, I'll have to completely dismount and then pull out my weapon to battle an attacker and then sheathe my weapon and then mount again after the attacker is dead. A total waste of time and energy... plus, I'm getting stabbed in the leg while I'm trying to dismount! That is kind of stupid.

I think what I would want most of all, though, is a game that lasts. I can see it now... I'm not good with games and replay value after the story is finished, since it's been spoiled for me, so after I finish Skyrim that should be about it until expansions are released. Sad but true.

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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:39 am

Athletics and Acrobatics.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:11 am

Realism! Everything should be more real! Except that would actually svck.

1. Clipping. Simple answer. A lot of the new armor would have clipping issue and they don't want to release a product with such an obvious flaw. Plus combining armor in Oblivion rarely looked good.

2. Again, They don't want to release a substandard product. They don't have time to implement every feature. This is a huge game with a lot of stuff as it is and they want to make it as good as they can. Let's be honest, horse combat usually blows. I can think of maybe one or two game series that did it well while almost all other have failed. Those games were a bit different than Skyrim. I don't think it would fit this game well. There would be all sorts of balancing issues... It's not worth the trouble when there is other much more important things to spend time on.

3. Shoot, reload for a minute. Guns jammed.... shoot reload for a minute. Oh crap I singed my face... sounds fun! Remember that realism that you wanted? Also, guns weren't more powerful weapons. For most of their history a good bowman was quite a bit better. The problem was a bowman takes a long time to train, while it's quite simple to just give someone a musket and brief training.

4. Feet? What about the torso. All you realism [censored] never mention the torso. Stand up, look down. See your torso? Sure you do. You never mention your nose your mouth either. I can see both of those. This is such an insignificant feature to ask for.

Also, your poll svcks. You should have included a "I don't care option" since most of the things on here are so insignificant.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:21 pm

I just want it to be bug free and good.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:23 am

The truth is, I think almost every Elder Scrolls fan would LIKE mounted combat, crossbows, spears, piecemeal armour, etc. Of course we want as much as possible. I can understand why Skyrim won't have things though. There are limitations, not only in hardware, but time, profits, economics, and fan patience.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:47 am

Athletics and Acrobatics.

If they add those in future titles, they are gonna have to give me an explanation as to how I can jump higher merely by bouncing around!
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:31 am

If they add those in future titles, they are gonna have to give me an explanation as to how I can jump higher merely by bouncing around!

That's how it works in real life... What you think the track and field athletes that jump don't practice jumping?
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:39 am

Regarding mounted combat (I'm writing this for 3rd time today, I promise this is the last time)
There is a way how this could be implemented
In TES4 there was ready animation how horse attack
Why same thing couldn't be used for attacking opponents by players command
C'mon any trained war horse can trample enemies on masters command
just to evaluate horse combat skills

In Skyrim, since we have two attack buttons (for left and right hand), the could have two different attacks
Right hand- stopping and attacking with frontal hooves and biting
Left hand- kicking with rear feet (also possible on the move to fight back if someone is chasing you)

Not exactly suited to fight Dragons, but valid option to deal with rats and mudcrabs, or scare away wolves

Any thoughts?
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daniel royle
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:02 pm

Flamethrower hands, a good degree of character customization, and Confused Turtle mode.

Two out of three ain't bad.
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:20 am


guns??? don't destroy the game :P

Mounted combat is cool but I don't want it in TES yet. Anyone else played Mount&Blade, well mounted combat rocks there, the best medieval game i've played ^^

and I want to see my feet.

edit: forgot: the more armour pieces the more fun I can have.
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:06 am

1. Yes, for enchantment purposes if nothing else.
2. This would be cool.
3. Not a chance in hell.
4. Never noticed one way or the other, so I don't really care.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:10 am

"Do you want upperbody AND lowerbody armor pieces?" --- Haven't this been clarifyed already? They are merging greaves and cuircass together to ease on the memory on the screen so that there can be more NPCs present on the screen. The armor will also look beter if merged. I swear to God, some of these forum members are so ignorant!
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:00 am

defnitely no to guns, all the others would be nice but aren't big issues to me
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:04 pm

"Do you want upperbody AND lowerbody armor pieces?" --- Haven't this been clarifyed already? They are merging greaves and cuircass together to ease on the memory on the screen so that there can be more NPCs present on the screen. The armor will also look beter if merged. I swear to God, some of these forum members are so ignorant!

ye "ignorant" might go for u ?

all of the 4 things u could vote on the poll has been confirmed not to be in the game.

The poll question are marked as "want to see" not "think skyrim will have it".
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:40 pm

1) As for armor being one piece for the main body, this has been covered and revealed to be something that assists in being able to have numerous NPCs on the screen as you might see in a large city. So would I rather have different types of cuirass and leggings, or see more people in a large town as opposed to 2 people aside from me? Keep the armor as it is.
2) Mounted combat - don't plan on using horses, but I can see where the developer might have some issues - they said they are trying to make killing enemies without the possibility of taking damage less likely (backpedaling is slowed down, etc) - how does that coincide with you being able to mount a horse that moves faster than the enemy ever could and shooting magic/arrows until they fall? Seems kind of backwards.
3) Guns... no. This is not your Fable.
4) I voted no for seeing your own 2 feet, but I'll elaborate. Sure, it would be okay to see them, but if I could, they'd have to move just right or it would irk me. The amount of effort they could put into that I would rather see go to about a million things more important. I don't look down at my feet all day. Do you? If you need to, just go into third person for whatever you "need" to see your legs for, then swap back after.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:33 pm

You never mention your nose your mouth either. I can see both of those. This is such an insignificant feature to ask for.

I have only just noticed i can see my mouth. Oh. My. God.
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