Skyrim wins PCGamer's #1 PC game of all time

Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:17 pm

Let's be honest here:

If you ask the Bethesda forums as a whole which game they like the most, "Morrowind" and "New Vegas" will echo the most. This isn't speculation; there've been threads pitting the TES titles against each other and even a very special thread pitting NV against Skyrim: Morrowind and New Vegas won.

In light of that, Skyrim being number one on the list with Morrowind doing pretty mediocre and New Vegas not even ranking just makes the whole thing an absolute joke. It just feels like the people who made the list felt the most recently released game that had massive hype deserved number one simply because hype.

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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:18 am

Oh yeah. San Andreas is my favorite GTA title, but I never beat Flight School, and as such, never beat SA. :(

Really looking forward to GTA V in 2 months.
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:25 pm

Such is the glory.. the power! of doing it right :icecream:

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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:57 pm

Yeah, let's go by sales and popularity when dictating what games are good. So accurate.

GOTY: Call of Duty Black Ops 2

...actually, just going by that, Pokemon should be kicking everyone's butts every year.

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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:02 pm

No. New Vegas is not an expansion to Fallout 3. The only thing the two have in common beside the lore is that they are build on the same graphic engine. For something to be called an exapnsion pack or DLC witch is prity much the same thing but different name is that you need to have the original game installed to play the expansion/DLC. Expansion packs was something that came before digital downloads was a big thing. So instead of downloading new content you bought it on disk/CD/DVD instead.

But to coment on the 100 PC games list. Skyrim deserves to get #1 spot. But there is a bunch of tittles on there that I do not agree with at all so IMO it deminish it a bit because if they put a game like XCOM: Enemy Unknown on 6th place you start to wonder if they are not a bunch of idiots. Yes XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a really good game but it's not worth a 6th place of all time as it's not even the best XCOM game.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:17 pm

Dem jets...cannot wait. Skyrim could be personally de-throned for me as of Sept 17th.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:50 pm

Why is Dark Souls higher than Morrowind? :blink:

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Robert Jackson
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:39 pm

Dark Souls is a good game. TBH both should be higher.

EDIT: Also just noticed Sims 3 is on the list, but not Sims 2.

Because yknow, the version of the game with the highest number following it is obviously automatically the best, even if they give you 7 hairstyles and offer the other 60 you got for free in the Sims 2 in their online store for 1$ each like some sort of sick scam.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:24 pm

Don't get me wrong, I love Dark Souls is an awesome game, but it is a very poor PC port.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:47 pm

I love how I had to look up online how to play it.

And how there was actually a youtube video guide for people like me who were trying to figure out how to play it. :D

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:22 pm

Too true. I remember watching some of Gix's Dark Souls videos. The dude was lost as heck when it came to the controls. :D

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:43 pm

Also, check out the that ranked just above Morrowind.

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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:05 pm

You're too kind. I wish it was a very poor PC port but the reality it was the most failed PC port of a game ever. It was so badly done that it could not have been worse then if a blind monkey had mashed on the keyboard randomly while the dev tools for the GUI was open.

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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:44 pm

Wtf?! That game ranked higher than Morrowind?!!

Who the heck made that list?!?

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:33 pm

HL2 over 20 million copies sold on pc alone.

dota 2 over 400 thousand player every day the next game after dota 2 has 80k players. Skyrim has 40k.

TBH that game look kida fun like that game called "papers please".

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:30 pm

A fallible human who should have his brain cortex severed from his SPINE!!! :swear:

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:07 pm

Well said. He's probably a Talos worshipper......

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:29 pm

Yes Longknife. A single forum is the entire gaming community /sarcasm.

A game that sold like 2 million copies, while Skyrim sold 20 million is REALLY going to be remembered more then New Vegas. /Sarcasm

A game that has an average of 84 is really going to be remembered over one that has 95 and won over 200 game of the year awards /Sarcasm

A game that has spawned countless memes and has been mentioned in Other media is going to not going to be remebered over New Vegas /Sarcasm

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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:44 am

I would appreciate if any argument I propose could be met with an actual response instead of "everyone disagrees with you so ur wrong," even when you take to making a poll on the SKYRIM forums and it STILL loses.

At any rate, maybe if you weren't so blind and hostile towards anyone who's not kissing Skyrim's ass at every turn and were able to see wisdom in criticisms or good reason for why those people do so, we could actually have a meaningful discussion. Doesn't seem that'll be the case though.

It'd also be nice if you actually used real numbers instead of magically inventing them. If that were the case, you'd know NV sold 7mil copies and Skyrim sold 15.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:41 pm

OH? You wanna look over my posts at all the other ones? I'm one of the least hostile, while you guys are the "Skyrim svcks bro" Bandwagon, and putting unnecessary and frankly disrespectful and snide comments towards Beth.

Skyrim earned hundreds of ‘Game of the Year’ awards and has sold over 20 million copies.

And maybe you can get your facts straight mister Longknife.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:47 pm

Inclined to agree with Balrog. These forums show only a fraction of the overall community, and it wouldn't be an accurate reflection of everyone's thoughts. All the accolades Skyrim receives seems to show that rather well. I think it was deserving of all the rewards it receives, but I can't comment for pc as I am not yet a PC gamer. It most certainly is my favorite game though.

Fallout new vegas is a fantastic game, but I do get bored with it a lot quicker than I would with Fallout 3 or Skyrim. I blame this on the environment which to me isn't as fun to explore as the other two. Story is very important and FNV nails this greatly, but the exploration which is the thing that puts so many hours into my playtime was and is lacking.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:50 am

Ok some one needs to point out that commercial success is not always related to making the best product. So saying that a game sold X amount of game more then Y makes it a better game is a mute point.

It's like saying that the best restaurant in the world is McDonalds because they sell X more meals a day then any other restaurant. Anyone with any taste left in his/her mouth would disagree with that. Not that McDonalds food taste bad, but because any professional chef in the world can make better tasting food and if you have had the opportunity to eat at a restaurant owned by a star chef like Gordon Ramsy, Jamie Oliver or Raymond Blanc you know that there food taste so much better that any fast food restaurant so there meal taste like crap in compare.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:22 am

I agree with you. But Longknife always says somthing about "New Vegas" being remembered more, which obviously isn't the case.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:53 am

That's interesting, other sources give Also can't even check your link because the interbutts is a genius and seems to think I want all bethblog links to immediately redirect me to the German version of the main page.

And no, half the time I don't even bring up New Vegas, or if I do, it's purely for comparison purposes and NOT this "Why isn't Skyrim New Vegas" or whatever you seem to think it is. YOU bring it up yourself, quite often. I mean ffs, I was chatting with Pompous Altmer about other ridiculous little finds on the list before you arrived, and in my same post you quoted I name Morrowind; Morrowind and NV got named solely because that's the truth, those two HAVE beaten out Skyrim in popularity polls on Skyrim's own turf. I'd have a problem with Skyrim with or without New Vegas existing, it's just an easy comparison for some arguments I make since it used the same engine, is the most recent title behind Skyrim and uses similar systems.

Anyways, I'm gonna be honest here: I'm getting sick of you. I have just as much of a right to be here and criticize the game as you do to be here and praise it. I'm here to have discussions about issues with those willing to have discussion. You? All you do is shadow me and spout ad hominem attacks and say the same line of "people like it so ur wrong." Please do myself and yourself a favor and just don't associate with me unless you have a valid response to something I say that isn't "people disagree with u so ur wrong" or "well that' just like ur opinion man."

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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:50 am

No, dang, no. The Crap-tastic™ UI alone negates any reason to have it at #1. I think I'm spot on when I say the writer of that article was being held at gunpoint by Beth executives when they have to make that list.

Dang, even Black Ops 2 still have better points in my book. The campaign is much more engaging than previous Call of Duty titles (except BO, and yes I know about the lag compensation. it too should never be no.1).

If we are to take into account mods, best game of all time should be either Half-Life or Warcraft III
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