That's interesting, other sources give Also can't even check your link because the interbutts is a genius and seems to think I want all bethblog links to immediately redirect me to the German version of the main page.
And no, half the time I don't even bring up New Vegas, or if I do, it's purely for comparison purposes and NOT this "Why isn't Skyrim New Vegas" or whatever you seem to think it is. YOU bring it up yourself, quite often. I mean ffs, I was chatting with Pompous Altmer about other ridiculous little finds on the list before you arrived, and in my same post you quoted I name Morrowind; Morrowind and NV got named solely because that's the truth, those two HAVE beaten out Skyrim in popularity polls on Skyrim's own turf. I'd have a problem with Skyrim with or without New Vegas existing, it's just an easy comparison for some arguments I make since it used the same engine, is the most recent title behind Skyrim and uses similar systems.
Anyways, I'm gonna be honest here: I'm getting sick of you. I have just as much of a right to be here and criticize the game as you do to be here and praise it. I'm here to have discussions about issues with those willing to have discussion. You? All you do is shadow me and spout ad hominem attacks and say the same line of "people like it so ur wrong." Please do myself and yourself a favor and just don't associate with me unless you have a valid response to something I say that isn't "people disagree with u so ur wrong" or "well that' just like ur opinion man."