Mass Effect 2 > Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex???
Who comes up with these lists?! Just another example of how popularity distorts how good a game is.
Mass Effect 2 > Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex???
Who comes up with these lists?! Just another example of how popularity distorts how good a game is.
I express my views civilly, and non-insulting. It's people like you who make liking Skyrim a taboo on these forums, as all you do is pile on walls of text to make it seem like your "opinion" is more valid.
Furthermore, the only reason I associate with you, is to counter your biased and ill-worded "glorification" of New Vegas, and how Skyrim is an insult to this generation, or how it's "dumbed down hyped thing for the casuals.
There's a thing called constructive criticism, and un-constructive criticism. (Which you splew out all the time).
As awesome as Skyrim is I don't think it deserved #1 because it just has far too many flaws.
I'd have to agree with that even if I was still playing on the console. But on the PC I most CERTAINLY agree with Skyrim being #1. I've never been a member of such a large community for 1 game before. Well aside from their #2 pick which I also agree with. Next to Skyrim, Mass Effect 2 is my second choice game of all time. I could be content on an island with Skyrim and Mass Effect 2. And next to Bethesda, Bioware is the other largest gaming community I am proud to say I am a part of.
Eagerly waiting for what they come out with next. My expectations are high.
The UI breaks every single basic rule about proper use of real estate in menus, all for the sake of "looking like Apple." Not to mention as a console port, it can be incredibly frustrating to just try and click any single dialog option or item without accidently selecting the wrong thing or closing out of the menu because your mouse was moving quicker than the menu could react.
The guild quest chains are the shortest to date in TES games.
The writing is
The combat is repetitive and suffers from the exact same issues of bullet sponges that Oblivion and FO3 suffered from. Hell, killcams and killcam thresholds create NEW balance issues, potentially making it worse than FO3 and Oblivion, in some ways.
Balance does not exist.
Much of the game can feel like a single-player MMO, with quests devoid of any story or true motivation simply churned out nonstop by the radiant system.
I just don't see how it could get #1 when the problems are so blatant. To get #1, I'd expect a game to have limited to no common criticism about it. Skyrim has plenty.
Wait - what? FIFA 13 is above Morrowind? I'm pretty sure this list was voted by kids.
Not being a big gamer, I have very little to compare. But I think Skyrim is awesome, as was Oblivion. Surprised Oblivion is not higher.
Sure, I enjoyed it, but I didn't think it was THAT great...
Skyrim is for Pansies? Really constitutive Longknife...
Yes, let's blatantly discount and ignore every valid point made within the video itself and attack the uploader for having a sense of humor with his choice in title.
I have no idea what happened, nor will I try to claim I know what happened.
My best guess though is that the problem was amidst the management. There's supposed to be someone who's job it is to oversee a project, greenlight good idea and red light the bad ones. This person however saw fit to greenlight that Thieves' guild storyline, allow for a lot of investment in the radiant quest system and a cut-back to the guild questlines. Hell iirc, the damned menu system doesn't even list items in alphabetical order all the time (not in chests or the like). It just stinks of terrible priorities. I can only hope we'll see improvements for the next game, but given that some mistakes are old ones that've existed since Oblivion, I'm not sure if we can expect much change.
If I made valid points on why someone's game is flawed and I called them pansies, or something else derogatory, I doubt many would listen either. Seems like common sense to me if you want people to listen that you don't insult them and their game of choice first.
This is why I asked Ballrog to stop associating with me:
I really don't care about what people think of me (you're total strangers on the internet :U ) or hurting people's feelings or whatever. It's the INTERNET. If you take everything you read on the internet as seriously as you do my video title? Holy hell, good luck to you...
I'm here to make objective points about the flaws of Skyrim, pinpoint where they're at exactly and make suggestions on how they could be fixed. I want PRODUCTIVE discussion. I'm not here to debate if my title is a "totally uncalled for burn" that I deserved to be stoned for. I have no interest in having that debate with you, so unless you wanna talk about my actual objective points I made, don't bother talking to me.
You say you don't care what we think, so why do you go and make a 15 minute video to prove your point? Seems to me that one would want people to watch it and listen to your points if you go through all that trouble. One would do this more easily by not being insulting. Sounds reasonable, no?
edit: I also don't see what you mean about me "taking it so seriously" since I'm not flaming over it or anything. If this is an alarming level of seriousness, then I am truly perplexed.
The video was made in response to someone claiming I was lying about the godlike defense you have once you hit the armor cap, even on legendary difficulty. The discussion wasn't moving forward because my every point and claim was met with "ur a liar," so I put my money where my mouth is.
well good job bethesda
For PC Skyrim would be #2 PC me though. #1 would be Commandos 2: men of courage.
As for all the games I have played I dont know, Easily top 10 or maybe top 5 but I dont know
But you just said you don't care what people think over the internet. That would show otherwise. Clearly you do, so surely you can at least admit that your title wasn't the best of decisions.
But it doesn't matter, as Balrog's point was made, but this is all off topic anyway.
No, it wouldn't show otherwise. I care about PRODUCTIVE debate. His accusations of me being a liar got in the way of that because he refused to accept any claim I made as true. In order to move forward with the productive debate, I had to prove my claims with a video. It's as simple as that.
This is incredibly off-topic, frustrating and it's exactly why I ask you both to stop and why I keep ranting about ad hominem attacks. You're not proving anything with ANY of what you're bringing up right now. To be blunt, you're being a damned child and avoiding having to confront any of my objective points by basically "name-calling" in that you wish to do nothing but attack me instead of the points I made about Skyrim.
As I asked before, please do not associate with me unless you care to debate an objective point I make. Not responding to anything you say again unless it does this.
I dont bring up the points because this isn't the thread for that. I don't see how I am being a child by suggesting that you deliver your points with less derogatory statements. Or why you are so upset, but as we have both said, this is off topic, and I will drop it.
Half Life came 61st? Bullcrap. This post got first place right, but they need to overlook the rest...
This has been taken off topic.
The forum is not a place to vent your frustrations upon each other.
Some of you have been previously warned for such behaviour in the past. I don't know why you're trying so hard to get more warnings.
Possible warnings to be issued after this thread is reviewed.