Along with a lot of other Bethesda-published titles
I think it deserves it. The mods definitely help, too.
Edit: Here's the full list:
2. Mass Effect 2
3. Half-Life 2
4. Team Fortress 2
5. Deus Ex
6. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
7. Bioshock
8. Mincraft
9. Left 4 Dead 2
10. Starcraft II
11. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
12. EVE Online
13. ARMA 2
14. Portal
15. World of Warcraft
16. Bioshock Infinite
17. Hitman: Blood Money
18. FTL
19. Company of Heroes
20. Civilization V
21. DOTA 2
22. Planescape: Torment
23. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
24. Dragon Age: Origins
25. Age of Empires
26. SimCity 4
27. Baldur's Gate 2
28. Grim Fandango
29. Battlefield 3
30. The Witcher 2
31. Rome: Total War
32. Day of the Tentacle
33. Spelunky
34. League of Legends
35. Planetside 2
36. Dungeon Keeper
37. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
38. Alpha Centauri
39. System Shock 2
40. Dishonored
41. Total War: Shogun
42. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
43. Doom
44. Quake III
45. DayZ
46. Dark Souls
47. The Witcher
48. Portal 2
49. FIFA 13
50. Flight Sim X
51. Crusader Kings 2
52. Tomb Raider
53. Theme Hospital
54. Far Cry 2
55. Beyond Good & Evil
56. The Sims 3
57. Rollercoaster Tycoon
58. Red Alert
59. Unreal Tournament 2004
60. No One Live Forever 2
61. Half-Life
62. F.E.A.R.
63. Fallout 3
64. Dwarf Fortress
65. Batman: Arkham Asylum
66. Rising Storm
67. The Secret of Monkey Island
68. Freespace 2
69. Empire: Total War
70. Tribes: Ascend
71. STALKER: Call of Pripyat
72. Quake
73. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
74. Max Payne 2
75. Galactic Civilizations II
76. Full Throttle
77. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
78. Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord
79. Borderlands 2
80. Torchlight
81. Starcraft: Brood War
82. The Walking Dead: Season 1
83. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
84. Super Meat Boy
85. Peggle
86. Mount & Blade
87. Masq
88. Assassin's Creed II
89. Vampire: The Masquerade--Bloodlines
90. Ultima VII
91. Tribes 2
92. Thirty Flights of Loving
93. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
94. Plants vs. Zombies
95. Hotline Miami
96. Diablo III
97. OMSI
98. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
99. Battle of Britain 2
100. World of Goo
Thanks to tgl1992 for the list!