Skyrim Wishlist

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 am

Better Character customization
Currently, I think The Sims 3 has the best character customization. The people actually look like people, and each one of them was more distinguished. In Oblivion, it seemed as if all imperials looked the same or very similar with a few distinctions such as their hair. In fact, all of the races were this way. Especially the Argonians and the Khajiits. The characters in Skyrim should be much more distinctive. This means height, weight, and muscle build should also be taken into account. Some should have more toned muscles than others, some should be taller, and some should be fatter. Facial hair should also be an option. In Oblivion, the closest you could come to facial hair was making it a darker shade around areas where facial hair grows. The problem with this is you couldn’t see any actual hair there, and you couldn’t match it according to your character’s hair color. Did I mention that the humanoid races looked kind of [censored]? If you go onto UESP wiki and look up races, and click on all of the man races (Redguard, Nord, Imperial etc.) the illustrations actually look like real humans rather than the weird looking humans in Oblivion. I hope that Bethesda makes them look better this time around.
Better physics and Animation
Physics and animation are more important than graphics, in my opinion. Of course, game play is the most important, but that’s another discussion. The animation wasn’t the greatest in Oblivion. Especially the 3rd person graphics. For example, when they jump, they kind of just float up into the air in a stiff pose. The animation in general was just stiff. I hope it’s better in Skyrim.
Having a Job
It would be a lot better to make your money this way, rather than just collecting loot from places and selling it. Jobs such as the military, city guard, lumberjack, craftsman, silversmith, black smith, store clerk, etc. More tedious jobs such as store clerk should have the option to skip ahead of time until your job is over.
Friends, Marriages and Speechcraft
Actual friends that could help you in quests, who can do you favors, give you stuff, help you out would be nice. And, if you are friends with someone the opposite gender (or same…if you’re like that) long enough, you could get married. Also, the speech craft in Oblivion isn’t really that great. It should be more like a conversation, with many different topics and options.
Other things
I would like to see a crossbow in Skyrim. Also, it would be nice if you could retrieve all of your arrows from your kill. When you buy a house, I would like it if you could arrange the furniture yourself, and choose what furniture to buy. I think you should also be able to choose the exact location of your house, or maybe just being able to build a house wherever you want. I would like to be able to own a pet, like a dog that helps you when you’re hunting. Owning your own stable for your horse would be cool, too. And it would be awesome if you could own and command a ship with your own crew.
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Erin S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 am

Let's fill up before we have a new one for it.
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krystal sowten
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