Skyrim world V.S. Oblivion world

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:40 pm

what do you think guys??

i feel that oblivion has more larger world than skyrim and offers a more variety of mobs and in numbers too...

oohh,and also,skyrim's quests involving almost go into the dungeon and less on the open it just me or it's true??

any thoughts guys?
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:23 pm

I like the "look" and "feel" of Cyrodil over Skyrim.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:13 pm

I like the "look" and "feel" of Cyrodil over Skyrim.


You prefer an autogenned world to handcrafted world. My God, this slays me.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:52 pm

I like the "look" and "feel" of Cyrodil over Skyrim.

yeah i agree with you,but i like snowy areas and the blizzards more in skyrim,hehehe...although bethesda manage to create skyrim a beautiful place to explore :D
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:08 pm

I definitely prefer the look and feel of Skyrim. Makes me feel like I'm playing a game in the same series as Morrowind, rather than watching a cartoon fantasy.

Dungeons are far better, too.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:23 pm

I like the look of Skyrim more.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:35 am

Skyrim is "hand-crafted"? I believe that just as much as I believe this..

"Howard is well aware of the unrest among gamers who associate the release of Bethesda's massive, dynamic role-playing games not only with fun, but also with bugs that lock up quests, crash the game, or mangle characters into unrecognizable forms. "It's a known issue and a very valid complaint," he said.

Before launch, Howard said, Bethesda is testing Skyrim rigorously and more heavily using a system that runs automated versions of the game overnight, searching for bugs and helping the team squash them. "We're getting better at it," Howard said.


OT : I like Oblivion so far better than Skyrim, TESV is still to new to me. Plus I first started TES with Oblivion so there is that Nostalgia factor I guess. Obvlion felt larger to me.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:39 am

Skyrim is twice as big, easily. It takes me about 10-15 minutes to walk from the most southern point of Cyrodill to Anvil (most eastern point) and thats a fresh character with low speed and athletics. To traverse Skyrim (with no horse) took me about 45 minutes on foot with no sprinting.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:31 am

Oblivion could never create that feeling of loneliness when you are inside a snowstorm, far away from any inhabitable place and unable to fast travel due to a dragon somewhere circling above you.

Cyrodiil (without unique landscapes etc) was boring...
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:44 pm

I like Skyrim's world more just because I like cold weather and mountains. Seems more rugged and gritty. But I also loved Oblivion's world, looking back from a hill towards the imperial city was beautiful.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:26 am

Obviously Skyrim’s world is a lot more fun to explore due to the beautifulness of it all IMO, but Oblivion’s land holds a special place in my heart for just being one of the first HUGE areas I’ve ever explored on a console game. I find that I’m doing the same thing in Skyrim that I did in Oblivion, some play sessions I’ll just explore for hours and not get anything done besides dungeon diving. I also have a lot more moments of awe in Skyrim where I find myself looking at pointless things.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:29 pm

Skyrim is just flat out better.

The music is better and there's more tracks, many of which are specifically tailored for certain areas.

The weather affects are better. The water is amazing. The fog is absolutely stunning. The render is far broader. The trees aren't 2d objects that spin to face you. The way the wind moves through the trees is excellent. The sound work is far more precise and crisp. The dungeons are far more diverse, beautiful, and interesting. Waterfalls? Lighting? What am I missing?

The attention to detail in Skyrim is amazing. Not only was Oblivion largely auto-genned, but Oblivion had far less content and far less artistic touch. Skyrim wins a thousand times over. People around town are actually doing things rather than sitting with their thumbs up their asses talking about mudcrabs too. Is this thread a joke?
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:32 pm

In my opinion, the Skyrim world is a LOT better then Cyrodiil. I've heard the Cyrodiil map is larger but:

- Cyrodiil is more 'cartoony' and has a more 'idealistic' Renascence feel... Reality is, back in the day of horses and sword play (at least in real human history) things were dirty, violent, and unsanitary. Skyrim has a much more 'realistic' feel to it (which is my preference).

- Cyrodiil had dungeons and caves that all looked alike and, after a while, even with the best role playing intentions, made it difficult to 'care' which new place you found since they all looked the same with the same worthless leveled loot

- Cyrodiil cities were too similar for the more part.... sure some had snow, other were in the marsh, some were on the coast... but they didn't seem to have any unique character to them

- Skyrim's graphics and weather system is so much more immersive. There are time I seriously feel like I'm getting chilly when I'm trekking in Northern Skyrim and the snow and wind are blowing so hard you can hardly see

- Skyrim's harvestable ingredients disapear after picking them!!! Makes it easy to know what you picked and what you didn't.

and last but not least.....

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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:36 pm

In my opinion the world of Oblivion and Skyrim is hardly comparable. The atmosphere is different as you had that shiny fairy tale forrests in Oblivion and in skyrim foggy steppe-like areas or autumnally woods. And my awarness is that Skyrim seems to be bigger because there is not a central point like in Oblivion (Imperial City) but Skyrim is divided by hills and mountains.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:51 pm

Skyrim has one of the biggest open world maps you will find on the market that isn't an MMO. Its bigger than Oblivion by a pretty large margin. Oblivion may have had more dungeons but the dungeons were packed in very tightly and many of them were very generic in the way they were presented, once you had been to a few ruins or forts you had pretty much seen them all. Skyrim has some generic dungeons too, mostly the mines, but many of the dungeons in the game have their own stories and such, sort of like Morrowind dungeons did. The enviornment and the scale of Skyrims terrain is simply breathtaking, there is no comparison to the scale of this game and the quality of gameplay and combat it provides. Im starting to sound like a homer here, but the funny thing is I have been playing games for about 25 years now and im as hardcoe as they come, yet this will probably go down as one of the top 5 titles I have ever played in my lifetime and if you saw my gaming resume you would have no cause for disagreement.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:03 am

I like worlds. My problem with Oblivion had everything to do with leveling (and I guess meaningless dungeons but this was still a leveling problem).

edit: maybe in a month or so I'll just get Oblivion for the PC and play one of the improved versions because I never finished it anyway
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:42 am

In my opinion, the Skyrim world is a LOT better then Cyrodiil. I've heard the Cyrodiil map is larger but:

- Cyrodiil is more 'cartoony' and has a more 'idealistic' Renascence feel... Reality is, back in the day of horses and sword play (at least in real human history) things were dirty, violent, and unsanitary. Skyrim has a much more 'realistic' feel to it (which is my preference).

- Cyrodiil had dungeons and caves that all looked alike and, after a while, even with the best role playing intentions, made it difficult to 'care' which new place you found since they all looked the same with the same worthless leveled loot

- Cyrodiil cities were too similar for the more part.... sure some had snow, other were in the marsh, some were on the coast... but they didn't seem to have any unique character to them

- Skyrim's graphics and weather system is so much more immersive. There are time I seriously feel like I'm getting chilly when I'm trekking in Northern Skyrim and the snow and wind are blowing so hard you can hardly see

- Skyrim's harvestable ingredients disapear after picking them!!! Makes it easy to know what you picked and what you didn't.

and last but not least.....


The Cyrodill map is not bigger, its about half the size. Try this test, make a fresh character in oblivion and run from the very bottom of cyrodill to Anvil using a straight line technique, it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes depending on combat situations. Then load up Skyrim and try running from the southeastern most portion of the map to the northeastern most point, again the longest stretch of map, do this without sprinting or using a horse. For me, the difference was astounding, it took me nearly 45 minutes to go from one end of Skyrim to the other without sprinting.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:32 am

Skyrim. There's a lot more history, and it feels much more like an Elder Scrolls world. Oblivion was just generic, Tolkienesque fantasy world #16243. I don't care about the variety of monsters, either. I'm more interested in the quality of the enemies I'm fighting, not the amount of different kinds.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:13 pm

I love everything about Skyrim a hundred times more than Oblivion - and I love Oblivion.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:58 pm

Skyrim has one of the biggest open world maps you will find on the market that isn't an MMO. Its bigger than Oblivion by a pretty large margin. Oblivion may have had more dungeons but the dungeons were packed in very tightly and many of them were very generic in the way they were presented, once you had been to a few ruins or forts you had pretty much seen them all. Skyrim has some generic dungeons too, mostly the mines, but many of the dungeons in the game have their own stories and such, sort of like Morrowind dungeons did. The enviornment and the scale of Skyrims terrain is simply breathtaking, there is no comparison to the scale of this game and the quality of gameplay and combat it provides. Im starting to sound like a homer here, but the funny thing is I have been playing games for about 25 years now and im as hardcoe as they come, yet this will probably go down as one of the top 5 titles I have ever played in my lifetime and if you saw my gaming resume you would have no cause for disagreement.

hmm so skyrim is bigger from oblivion,okay..gonna try to walk 'em from end to end..LOL

how about the jumping and climbing ability towards steeps ground??i mean,do you think in oblivion we can almost climb to any parts of the mountain with little hindrance than to skyrim???
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James Smart
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:29 pm

yesterday i fought a 15 min battle against a dragon
fight began at dawn and ended at night
after i killed it and got his soul i looked up and saw a aurora borealis

that was the most epic moment in my gaming history tbh

meanwhile in oblivion after clearing gate nr 523423423423 i quit duo boredom
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:34 pm

I just like how Skyrim goes from taiga to tundra in roughly the same amount of landmass in which Cyrodiil went from fetid sub-tropical swamp to taiga.

The area around Leyawiin looked like the bayou; the area around Bruma looked like Fairbanks, AK.

Skyrim is much more credible in its variance of atmosphere. If Nirn had latitude and longitude, I could believe that all of Skyrim is between 50 and 60 degrees north.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:51 am

Oblivion could never create that feeling of loneliness when you are inside a snowstorm, far away from any inhabitable place and unable to fast travel due to a dragon somewhere circling above you.

Cyrodiil (without unique landscapes etc) was boring...

I feel like Skyrim is more in depth and believable as far as world content goes. The mountains are really amazing. I love the weather too.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:41 am

I only agree with the quests based in dungeons, I can't think of one go here and do this quest thats set in the open world..
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:04 am

hmm so skyrim is bigger from oblivion,okay..gonna try to walk 'em from end to end..LOL

how about the jumping and climbing ability towards steeps ground??i mean,do you think in oblivion we can almost climb to any parts of the mountain with little hindrance than to skyrim???

Both games have areas in the map that are very hard to traverse or nearly impossible. But in both games you can climb just about any mountain if you're dedicated enough it just takes patience and finding the right pathway and the mountains also must not be on the border of the map, obviously.
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