Yea yea but lets not turn this into a flaming thread.
DirectX 9 is old but you can do some really good stuff with it

And the fact its being made for Consoles means a much wider audience to fund a better game - Graphics isn't what makes a game, its the gameplay. Plus since its being made for the console also means its not as difficult to keep your PC updated enough to play for it which is a blessing on our wallets. Consoles may be keeping Video Games in an older graphical age but are helping Companies grow and focus more on the actual game.
Sigh. I really get tired of the console apologist propaganda.
FACT: There is not a console around that actually runs direct X 9. What is run is a truncated, partial implementation with only part of shader model 3, and a handful of commands that take advantage of the unique architecture being used in the game appliance. And those unique commands are utterly ignored by a PC unless you are running games on a Xenon server chip. Bragging about squeezing the last drop of blood out of the Xbox turnip isn't as impressive as it sounds; full Direct X 9 had that done to it almost 2 years ago. There is a reason why game graphics look so similar when you get down to the details. They are similar, and have the same limitations.
FACT: What amazing gameplay are you talking about? The 360 and its ilk have 512 megs of ram. Do you know what that actually is? That is -the- sweet spot for DOS 5. Not windows any version; Disk Operating System 5. It is also the recommended memory size to play =Arena= (not the minimum, but the sweet spot, if I remember correctly. And if not Arena, then it certainly was the recommended for Daggerfall). And that was in the days when you could write straight to the metal, not have to deal with a dozen abstraction layers as you do today. Gameplay mechanics have been hidden, have been truncated, and outright removed. Very rarely have they been improved. Unless you consider making everything a reflex twitchfest an improvement.
FACT: Yes, they are keeping us all from much better, more robust graphic solutions. And by so doing, hobbling all the other parts of the system to an inflexible, non upgradeabe architecture designed to push pretty pictures, and not a lot else. The systems flexibility that PC's inherently have are utterly lacking in the game appliance; and once you choose your lead platform, the limitations of it are forced on everyone else by default. That is a fundamental rule of coding.
OPINION: The condition of my wallet is my concern alone, thankyouverymuch. Although I have to say I have =never= paid anywhere near the insane prices quoted by some. My current mainbox's hardware is pushing 5 years old. I've upgraded the video card to a Geforce 9800, and the sound card to an X-fi Titanium. Less than $180 over the course of 3 years. The Phenom II X4 parts I've quoted will be the 3rd complete switchout I've done in my nice aluminum Lian Li full Tower case, and those parts came in at about $500....and $200 of that was the CPU alone (60 watts vs 125 watts. No contest). I've had this discussion with others, and heard the same plaints of poverty. And everytime I point out how much they spend on Itunes and at the app store, and that cutting back on those would allow saving for a real gaming system....need I say more?
FACT: And then there is the last line of your post.....possibly the most dangerous situation out there. Look at how many of those companies have become shovelware shops. They don't create anymore. They serialize. They use gimmicks. They re-use the same game mechanics with altered GUI elements (coughEAcough). Those companies are not gaming companies anymore, because they have sold their soul for the quarterly statement. In fact if you look, those very corporate companies are directly responsible for at least some of the tremendous increase in the costs of software (Hollywood bears most of the rest of that guilt). Which neatly slams the door on the non-corporate garage creator; that fearsome nerd that actually lets creativity and risk taking guide their hand, and was directly responsible for the very =BIRTH= of electronic gaming. Can't have genius's messing with well oiled corporate wheels, after all....
It would be nice if I'm wrong; I'd hate to find after 15 minutes of 'Wow' that I was messing with a game with all the roleplaying elegance of Frogger......