I know the devs said they had ported it as a technical exercise to get to grips with the hardware but what about releasing it? And if not, any idea when it will be released to the backwards compatibility titles for Xbox One?
I know the devs said they had ported it as a technical exercise to get to grips with the hardware but what about releasing it? And if not, any idea when it will be released to the backwards compatibility titles for Xbox One?
Re-releasing Skyrim on current gen consoles wouldn't take anywhere near as many resources or man power compared to making a new game. A small team of people could do it while the bulk of the team works on the new game.
exactly, if you want to play it, plug in your older console (just because you have a newer one doesn't mean your old one magically stops working)
The issue in some cases is they bought the new console BECAUSE their 360 stopped working, or (at least in some places round the UK) some stores offered a part exchange when buying the Xbox One if you traded in your 360.
Doesn't really affect me though, I play on pc Either way, I second the notion that people should look at existing threads before creating another one stating the exact same thing while there are others still on the first page of the forum.
ever enter a pawnshop before? they sell 360s for around $75-$80
You can buy Morrowind from GoG.com for far less money than you'd pay for a console version, and it will run on just about any PC made in the last ten years.
I think people are looking in the wrong place for help. Instead of asking game companies to port this, that, and the other thing over to the new consoles, they should be asking Microsoft to make their consoles completely backwards compatible with the older models. That way, you could run Morrowind or Oblivion on your new XBox One, along with every other game made since the original XBox.
^^^^^^^ This^^^ my 360 bit the dust, I will probably buy another...reason. ..Red Dead Redemption, which is not even on PC, if Rockstar didn't port it to PC, nothing would make me think that they will port it to X-box 1. Red Dead Revolver is ( with some backwards compatibility finangeling) playable on the ps3. My husband already has a ps3 copy of RDR, for now I just play on his console....but I don't have my Fables on ps3.
It would be nice to buy the "new" games for x-box 1 and still have backwards compatible the 360 games...
You're missing the point. Entirely.
They're asking for a port, not a remake. I personally would see this as a good thing, especially if they ported mod support over to Skyrim in addition to Fallout 4. It's the same engine, on the same framework. It won't cost as many resources as people who dislike the idea would want you to believe.
All the off topic posts removed.
^ This.
OP is asking for a port. Something that is very possible, considering Bethesda was curious enough to try it for themselves.
All the people that come into threads about remakes just to say "Oh god, another remake thread." are just disruptive. Especially here, where it's off topic.
If you want to discuss remakes, use one of the other threads.
So where's SkyFall, the fan remake of Skyrim in the Fallout 4 Engine?
Sorry, I had to.
Part of me wouldn't mind a port, but the other part of my wouldn't want to pay for it all again. Plus I have an attachment to playing in on my 360. It just wouldn't feel right without the old girl.
You can vote for it on Xbox website to be part of their backwards compatability library. But, it'll be the same as the 360 version, just playable on your One.
You wouldn't have to pay for it unless you don't own a disc copy or haven't bought it digitally from your Xbox Account.
Skyrim is coming to the Xbox One, without a doubt. It's the 2nd most requested game, and considering they ported Fallout 3, I don't see any legal issues getting in the way. I'm looking forward to it. It'll be nice to have all my favorite games, new & old, in one place. I've been itching to put my 360 in the closet for a long time now.
Having all games, old and new, in one place? Well, where could I have that... let's see... oh, I know... on my PC!
Just kidding, guys.
One day, I too, will be part of the PC Mustard Race. One day.
Comedy [censored] gold mate.
That one never wears thin.
I wonder which is faster, classic yellow, honey, or brown?
I don't think people get how the new Xbox One backward compatibility works. They created an emulator. They're not porting each title. The emulator lets the Xbox One function as an Xbox 360.
I'm sure Microsoft does some basic quality control to make sure each title really does work properly, or I'd like to think so, but there's no real effort involved.
This wouldn't require any effort at all on the part of Bethesda. All they have to do is green light it.
Microsoft cannot do this without permission. They don't have the rights to allow games to run on a different system. Bethesda isn't allowing Microsoft to do this for financial reasons of their own. We can only speculate that they think it might cut into ESO or Fallout 4 sales, given that they have said outright they have no plans to remaster Skyrim (or Oblivion, for that matter).
Many people already have several systems hooked up to their primary television. Their entertainment center is already full. In addition, it's much easier to switch between watching a show, Skyping with a friend, and then going back to a paused game on the Xbox One. The "Go buy another 360" commenters don't seem to grasp any of this.