It improves it by giving me 100s of fake friends...'no' let's face it even with hours of hours of epic gameig I'm still gunna have time to see my misses and friend other wise you may grow fat and repulsive die alone and afraid ect lol anyway as said above most mates will be but a head set away to compare loot with and shout at that you havent done that quest yet so shut up about it or just name drop cool things to leave them tantalised, when playing.
Nah. There's no doubt that I'll probably take a day or two off from college to play the game, but I won't miss a night out with my friends because of it.
No - going out and socialising only happens rarely to begin with, what with different lifestyles/commitments and money constraints, so I would pull myself out of Skyrim if there was a social event planned. My bf will probably end up feeling pretty neglected though.
Well I still have to go to the Gym, and go shopping, and clean the house, and cook dinner and... yeah I live alone so there are things which I must do, but all the other time will likely be spent playing TESV.
me and my friends will have a setup in a friend's basemant. dunno how many we will be, but around 5-6 maybe. although we'll be playing each on our own, its more social than playing all alone in a room so i say uh, no!
I personally feel that I enjoy a game more in smaller doses. When I play for a long time I usually grow tired and don't get as immersed as I did the first 1-2 hours.
The first day it's released though... That'll be some serious gaming.