I think that would be cool, too. Actually testing all the equipment in a store... good idea.
Thank you.
It's not so much about testing something before I purchase it so much as it is about adding some realism. If I go to Best Buy, there isn't going to be a cop standing there waiting to take me to jail for picking up a DVD and having a look at it. There should be a different threshold from the norm: I'm not stealing an item available for purchase until I make it out of the immediate area without paying for it. As for other owned items, it should depend largely on the owner's disposition. For example, if I walk into a tavern known to be frequented by a criminal element in Skyrim, who really don't like Orcs/Dunmer/Argonian/etc., I should expect a fight if I touch just about anything.
NOOOOOOOO! As a hoarder, no no and no. I want to be able to keep all the stuff I find, without having to own a warehouse for it. Besides, there WAS a limit on what you could store in a container in Oblivion, because if you overfilled a container it would cause a corrupt save and CTD upon saving. I doubt many people ever encountered that bug, but it ruined one of my games.
I rather like the idea of forcing players who collect enough treasure to make a dragon jealous to have to find enough space to store it. If they can put in the effort into acquiring all that crap, they can be bothered to purchase a large enough house for it all. BTW, I'd be well-included in that category, so don't think I'm just picking on a player-type that I don't care for. I could fill a Vivec canton with all the Daedric stuff I've taken from Dremoras and Golden Saints.