SkyTEST - Realistic Animals & Predators Thread #2

Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:53 pm


Easy enough.

Pep Legal

Hmm i dont use scripts in any part of my mod, but i think vanilla animals do use scripts of their own... try loading the mod you suggested after SkyTEST.

Everything is working, except Forums and PM... which i am banned for life.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:39 am

New Version is up.


* Fixed minor issues with MammothFaction and Prey/SmallPreyFactions.

* Fixed issue with Slaughterfish and NPC Actors in Windhelm.

* Fixed some AI Packages of "Smart Animals" in Rorikstead.

* Added esm to the compressed file in case you experience CTD?s (DOT NO USE THE ESP & ESM AT THE SAME TIME)

* Added HorkerCub SpawnPoints (Forgot to add them in the rebuild)
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:51 am

Baby Horkers, yay!

Had some fun with SkyTEST earlier today - being chased by a Spider (I tend to avoid trouble rather than fight), I ran around the corner straight into a large pack of SkyTEST wolves - it was a real "strormtrooper" moment!
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:05 am

I got good news to all the people experiencing CTD, there are 3 scripts located in Skyrim/Data/Source/Scripts which are the following:

- dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.psc
- HelgenRandomSoundScript.psc
- LvlPredatorScript.psc

If you experience constant CTD you may want to DELETE these 3 scripts, and most if not all of your CTD issues will be Gone, thanks to "yafi" for finding this.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:41 am

1.24 esm seems to have solved my CTDs. ( )

BTW...Skytest Nexus page is OFF !!!
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:37 am

@Etayorius. Thanks for mentioning the three scripts which can cause CTD's. My system run fine ATM.. BUT those scripts are not from SKytest and they do/should have a purpose. It would be good to know what they do and why they cause problems....

Indeed the Nexus SKytest page is GONE. Only the translated versions are there. A fluke (due to the new code) or has the problem with the admins become a permanent one? Which would be very sad to hear as I use Nexus to keep track of mods.

Installed 1.24 this weekend and got no problems. Works fine with Real WildLife Skyrim and Prides of Skyrim (as in no CTD's and no Lions/Lionnesses massacring each other). Haven't noticed the minor problems with SRAP and RWS in the past. Perhaps they are gone now just like the problems with Prides (magically solved as of 1.21+ or so). Having said this its perhaps best (when you have a new GPU) to check the compatibilities again and change your homepage or OP of this thread. Its quite possible that RWS and SRAP are now 100% compatible and that the problems with Birds are gone now too (hence a 100% instead of 50% classification).

The problem with all those wildlife mods is that I basically staty outside. There is so much going on and enough things to slaugther (Prides have become almost an obsession and they give good and expensive loot). Also with Occupy skyrim, Immersive Patrols and Warzone there is enough going on!!! Recently discovered Frost Giant. Very very nice and it keep those wolf pack under control. Have to admit haven't seen that many wolf packs lately. I think quite a lot of them are taking care of by the Prides etc. Though I should see dead wolves everywhere which is not the case. STRANGE.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:17 am

I have these three scripts in my game but I'm not using your mod (not anymore, sorry ). What are they related to?
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:22 am

These are vanilla skyrim scripts, so i would be careful about deleting them. Make sure you back them up if you do chose to do so.

EtaYorius, could you please provide the source of this (if its a forum post), you mentioned its was thanks to yari? Im very curious about this comment as I get LvlPredatorScript errors when logging papyrus, thanks, and thanks for the wonderful mod!
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:22 pm

pep legal/wolverine2710

Yeah, sorry... Nexus moderators are stalking me big time, at least the same moderator hehe.


These scripts are part of the CK, not part of the GAME... the scripts are not present in a fresh install of skyrim and appear untill you install the CK, if you dont mod or use the CK its safely to create a folder and place them there.

For all you modders i dont really know what happens in the CK if you remove them.

You can find "yafi" quote in the Comments section of the mod in the nexus.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:25 am

Ah thank you for the update.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:01 am

Hi EtaYorius I am "Yafi" from the Nexus, those three scripts from my Papyrus log were the reasoning for my CTDs, because they fell under the load order of where my SkyTEST is. I am under the impression that a script in your mod has conflicted with a vanilla script somehow, but I removed those scripts (backed-up of course) and all my CTDs just vanished. I believe the game was trying to load 3 scripts that didn't actually exist in my save file, which led to the CTD, so removing them 3 scripts has done me no harm. Having the Papyrus log sure is handy.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:21 am

I figure you don't really want to talk about this, but I can't help but wonder what on earth is going on there. Have you said something (either to them or someone else) that they found offensive and so they are punishing you in this way? Or is one of the moderators some sort of Creationist Nut who doesn't approve of animals acting naturally (like occasionly trying to spread and mix their genes) and is abusing their power?

I'm going to try Yafi's solution to the CTD because for the past month (which is how long I've had Skyrim) I've had extremely annoying CTDs/freezes around Whiterun and the Guardian Stones that no matter which mods I removed they kept coming back. I've looked at the Papryus log myself and I do remember seeing LvlPredatorScript.psc appear frequently, which I assumed was part of Skytest, but removing the mod only made them less likely to occur, not remove them completely.

Edit: It seems this fix of Yafi's is not recommended if you use Warzones. I've twice started new games and had it CTD at Halted Stream Camp (there is a Bandits Vs Whiterun Guards battle there). When I checked the Papyrus log I found this in the last few lines:

Clearly Warzones tries to call LvlPredatorScript.psc and when it finds it missing that causes a clear outright CTD. I've put the files back in, no fix for my own problem though. My annoying freeze is near the Guardian Stones, in my case though it's half way down the hill towards the small hunter camp by the river. I deactivate mods in search of which one (or ones) cause the freeze, I seem to lock on to a suspect (no longer getting a freeze after deactivating a certain mod) yet after removing that mod; and testing with a few more mods and not getting the freeze; I reactivate the rest of my load order and it freezes at that spot again. It's maddening, I've done this process so many times yet I feel I'm either very close or no further to solving it.

This is what I do to test things in game each time. Using Live Another Life (without this mod I probably would have gone insane by now with my bug testing) I use the Camping in the Woods start. I type "tgm" into the console to turn God Mode on. I then proceed to the Guardian Stones and head down the hill to the hunter camp -- it never crashes on this first attempt down the hill. I then proceed to Riverwood and on towards Whiterun until I get to the Companion Giant Fight (It used to CTD here quite frequently until I removed a bunch of weapon and armour mods, I couldn't tell you which were the culprits but I removed them all just to lighten the load). I resolve that either way and then proceed to do a round trip around the Whiterun area, passing by crash prone areas such as just North West of Whiterun Stables, approaching Halted Stream Camp, and then past Whitewatch Tower and down the road back to the crossroads. I then go back up the road towards Riverwood, pass through Riverwood and back up to the Guardian Stones, attempt to head down the hill to the hunter's camp and I freeze.

This is my current load order:

Active Mod Files:

I've seen this happen with or without the likes of Skytest, Warzones, and Skyrim Monster mod. I'm frankly at my wits end trying to solve this but I will keep perservering with it. If anyone has seen this particular freeze and has any info I would be most appreciative.

I'm sorry if I've cluttered up your thread Etayorius, but I just had to get this down. Perhaps later I might open my own thread on this problem but for now I'll have to call it a day.

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:22 am

I am afraid that if talk about it they may start stalking me all the way to the bethesda forums hahahaha... anyway, back when i had my HD5770 working nicely i didnt had any CTDs, havent tried latest version for long hours but so far seems stable in the pc of my friend.

I have no idea why are those CK Scripts interfering with SkyTEST, since i havent added scripts... heck i dont even know how to do them... so G-d knows what is causing the issue and those scripts, but you can safely just place them inside a folder to prevent issues.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:58 am

I've made a rather long edit to my post if anyone wants to look at it
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Jah Allen
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:53 am

I'm using an alternative start mod which edits the scripts for the MQ and Helgen part, which MIGHT explains the HelgenRandomAttack.psc error, but not the other 2. But ever since disabling all 3 scripts I've had no problems at all, but I can understand that other mods require them. I just don't understand how these 3 scripts have saved me from all CTDs though. :s
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:05 am

It is obviously Engine related, i hope Patch 1.6 fixes this issues somehow.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:43 am

Not for this patch I'm afraid. I've been using the beta patch since it was available which updated to 1.6.89 a few days ago, that same patch has now been declared as the official patch now.
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:11 am

Well that sounds familiar. CTDs around whiterun and guardian stones, the ones close to riverwood right? See these threads,, Freezes are also involved.

Im very familiar with these two exact locations as they are very CTD/ freeze happy. I use them as stress test points when testing mod and mod sets. In my experience, these two places are very RAM and VRAM intensive. If you have an unstable skyrim setup, either with too many mods, or too many hi-res textures and graphics tweaks, these two places will dysfunction.

Some Tentative Conclusions;

1. Mods that modified spawns were responsible for some people. Try disabling all mods related, such as Skyrim Monster Mod and SkyTEST and see if you still get issues. Long shot though since both these mods are fine. Real Wildlife was usually the culprit. But then again you pretty much tried this already.

2. Reducing texture mod resolutions did the trick for some. It wasnt a matter of specific texture mods, just a matter of too much. Using Skyrim Performance Monitor, and/ or GPUZ with taskmanager, you can see that these areas load a lot of data into RAM, and then into VRAM. These areas are usually always at peak use when i test.

Personally i solved the issue by dropping a ugrids 7 value back to 5, which dropped RAM and VRAM use by a few hundred MB. And yes, i was pretty much only freezing and CTDing (mostly freezing), at these two locations. You could probably do the equivalent by reducing texture resolution of texture mods. The big ones such as SRO and 2KHD, Vurts Flora Overhaul etc.

Or you may have a corrupted savegame.

Or you may have to live with a smaller mod selection. Anecdotal hearsay, but at least one person has mentioned (dont ask me where) reducing these issues by simply not going over a certain number of mods activated.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:57 am

It might also be a navmesh issue... which 1.6 fixed, we'll see.
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James Smart
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:22 pm

I been thinking just that... but i havent touched the navmesh... and i thought that happened when strictly editing navmesh.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:45 am

Just as a heads up - I also had some severe script lag in those areas. They are pretty stressful, but my FPS went from 40+'s, down to less than 5, and my save game size (I did repeated tests) would escalate by half a megabyte in under a minute (on a relatively new save, that was started with SkyTest, and hasn't had any mods added since it was started - and I run a pretty lean setup and mind conflicts - this is the only animal mod, and the only other mod that increases spawns in any form is my ASIS).

I confirmed with several other tests, namely testing the other mods that would cause it (texture mods, my own ASIS - which had a smaller impact on FPS, but it didn't go under 25, and had no save game bloat from script lag - dynamic shadows (which caused script lag indoors and I removed for that reason), and a few other tests) and it was definitely isolated to SkyTest.

I'm going to take a guess that it's a non-issue for people running rigs faster than mine - a core 2 duo - but it's something to watch out for, if you can slim scripts down and increase performance. If that's not possible - maybe adding some off/on's triggers for some of the features in the scripts (if possible) so we can at least use part of it.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:14 am

try adding some new, real life animals to it
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:47 am

Sorry if this has been adressed before but i got a bug where creatures get named something they aren't, for example at the very start of the game, when you fight the spiders, the 2 big ones are labeled "Dragon fanatic" and the very small spiders(ambient animals added by skytest) are labeled as "white rat".
These are the current mods im using:
- Omegared armor compilation.
- Crafting300
- All the armors by hothtrooper
- Skytest settings
- Skytest realistic animal behaivour.
- Deadly dragons
- Radiance
- Milan′s dungeon pack 1 & 2
- Apocalypse spells
- Shorter cell respawns
- Asis
- Automatic Variants

Any help would be apreciated oh and by the way, very nice mod, i look forward to see how it evolves in the future.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:46 am

That sounds more like an automatic variants thing - possibly got misaligned on the forms/strings. Did you ever delete the AV plugin and then regenerate it? Doesn't sound like a SkyTest issue, though. Assuming you have any AV packages for spiders, at least.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:15 am

Hmm well i think i remember running the .jar file twice, maybe that overwrited the .esp i already had, but i did all of that without running the game, i started a new save with all the mods that i mentioned.
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