SkyTEST - Realistic Animals & Predators Thread #2

Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:57 pm


SkyTEST - Realistic Animals & Predators was the first animal mod which gave new AI Packages for Animals & Predators to give them a more realistic feel, this mod main focus is to make Vanilla Skyrim Animals & Predators act more realistic, this mod does not focus completely on adding more variation to animals since there way too many mods for that, but the mod is not limited to only altering the Ai, the following things is what this mod offers once installed.

* Animal Foodchain 100% Completed.

* Created new spawn points through all Skyrim to give a little more life.

* Most animals will try to mate with their species once a year.

* Animals will search for water in near by lakes, ponds and river once a day. *WIP*

* Predators will go out and hunt 2-3 times a day, if you happend to kill a predator and find some sort of animal meat in their inventory, then is very likely that predator has gone out to hunt successfully prior to his death.

* Ambient/Prey animals that search for Flora 3 times a day.

* Some animals have unique personality, some will be scared when you approach, others wont like it if you approach and may give you a warning before attacking or running away.

* Created few more Bird Flock throughout the big forests, in vanilla Skyrim this is an awsome effect which i encountered only ONCE in all the game.

* Animal parents being followed by their cubs, you can encounter mammoths being followed by baby mammoths, or Female Horkers being followed by their cubs... maybe even Bears with their cubs.

* Most animals has been given a boost of their Max Speed like Deers, Elks, Bears, SabreCats, Wolves, etc.

* Animals has been increased/decreased their Acceleration, example Bears will take a little more before achieving their max speed since in Vanilla Skyrim Bears run to their max speed olmost instantly which is of course... BS, the contrary applies to Deer/Elk, SabreCats, Wolves and many more which should achieve their max speed faster.

* Small Critters though all Skyrim, you can encounter small spiders, Roaches, Rats and even Crabs which serve as prey for smaller predators.

* Better Factionalized animals, now there is a chance for predators to attack eachother if encountered, in vanilla Skyrim you would get [censored] by wolves, bears, sabrecats, spiders and chaurus all at the same time, they acted like if they were a happy predator family... ANNOYING AS HELL, No more.

* More variation to Farm and wild animals.

* Slightly Tweaked some animal Stats.

The mod is getting bigger and bigger since i work on the mod on a daily basis, so updates are frequent, if you want to check the mod in full action check the VIDEO SECTION.



It all started with me getting pissed at the fact that in Vanilla Skyrim all Predator Animals gang against you, so you could have 3 wolves, 2 types of bears and 3 sabercats all against you and ignoring each other, so i decided to fix the issue:

But the mod evolved even further to create the illusion of a Realistic Animal Behavior and Food Chain.

Special Thanks To:

"shingouki" for modifying the Deer and SabreCat to give them a more baby feel, AWSOME thanks a lot!!

"Jsnider193" whom without his help not even half of this mod would have been made possible, he just keeps supporting!! awsome you rock Man!!

"Tytanis" for explaining how to insert videos in the Description page, it took him like 1 min to figure it out, The Master ROCKS

"MGE" for explaining how the spawn points works, thanks man!


***You really need to wait 72 hours for version .90 and higher and you may need to leave the Area and return.***


***Do a clean save, to do this first remove the from the Data Launcher, start game... and
Save without the mod***

To help the stability of the mod i suggest you to use a new save Game and try to keep your mod count as low as possible,
this mod does not support multimod compatibily, i cant honestly keep track of every single mod out there that conflicts-
with this mod, so dont nag me about this mod conflicts with 1000 other mod, it works FLAWLESSLY in Vanilla Skyrim and also
dont expect this mod to Run well when you are trying to load 10 different animal mods at the same time, sorry thats how it is.


* Ai Disabled Animals -

Caused by: Unknown (Probably Engine Related)

Game Breaking Level: None

Chance of happening: Low and Randomly

Rate of Report: Low

Status: Present as of v1.13, WIP trying to figure out what is causing it.

Solution: Unknown Or by Sprint Pushing the actor animal untill it responds again.

Description: Slight chance to encounter animals that seems to be "Ai Disabled" and not responding not even when attacked, the only thing i can confirm to make the animals respond again is if you Sprint push them repeteadly, then they will start responding again

* Skating Animals -

Caused by: Running another mod in at the same time with SkyTest that also Changes the default LeveledCharacter Lists.

Game Breaking Level: None

Chance of happening: Low

Rate of Report: high

Status: Erradicated since v1.0

Solution: Left LeveledCharacter Lists as default and created my own Lists

Description: There was a chance of encountering an animal that seems to be behaving well, but will be Stuck in the idle mesh pose and would not show any animation at all (probably because it was trying to use another actor animations), it would look as if it were Skating, this ONLY happened when running another mod that would also made the mistake i did of changing the default LeveledCharacter lists, it would cause the engine to spawn a mixture an actor from both Mods, causing the actor to not to be able to show any animation but will act as it should.


Deadly Dragons - 100%

Warzones - Civil Unrest: 100%

Wars in Skyrim: 100%

SkyMoMod - 100%

Real Wild Life Skyrim: 90% (There may be minor issues with Factions and LeveledCharacters Lists)

Birds & Flocks: 50%
(Edit) Some people report crashes when birds & flocks is enabled, i cant replicate them... but others claim the CTDs are gone when disabling Birds & Flocks, not a big loss anyway SkyTest has tons of Birds & Flocks in its own too.

Prides of Skyrim: 95% (There may be a faction issue that will make Lions & SabreCats to attack themselves)

More Village Animals: 100%

Summon Animal Pets: 100%

WATER: 100% (But you MUST forcefully load WATER after SkyTest.)


-New Videos-

New Video

New Video

New Video

-Old Videos-

Smart Animals 3

Smart Animals 2

Smart Animals 1

This is what predators will do on a daily basis on their own.

YouTube video showing the mod in action:



* Fixed Small critters messing with stealth metter.

* Fix for lvlpredatorscript.psc?

* Added few more Spawm points through all Skyrim.

* Forced Petrovsk to appear only to lvl 30 Players and higher.

* Fixed few Farm animals from running away when approaching


* Made the esp compatible with

* Due to popular wimp whining, Petrovsk will only appear on high levels.

* Fixed minor issues.


* Fixed minor issues with MammothFaction and Prey/SmallPreyFactions.

* Fixed issue with Slaughterfish and NPC Actors in Windhelm.

* Fixed some AI Packages of "Smart Animals" in Rorikstead.

* Added esm to the compressed file in case you experience CTD?s (DOT NO USE THE ESP & ESM AT THE SAME TIME)

* Added HorkerCub SpawnPoints (Forgot to add them in the rebuild)


* Stopped cubs from giving loot.

* Forced Hare/Fox/Deer/Elk to avoid Water.

* Forced cubs to stop making heavy foot step sounds.

* Gave Slaughterfish an Aggro Radius, should prevent the annoying issue with red dots all over the compass.

* Added more Spider/Rats SpawnPoints.

* More Tweaks to Acceleration/Deceleration Rate to Most animals, their speed looks more realistic now.

* Forced Mammoths to stop becoming aggresive when the player attacked SmallPrey.


* Rebuild whole mod from Scratch

* Added GoatKid

* Added HareKitten

* Added more Bellyache Textures to some animals

* Balanced amount of WolfPacks.

* Added the SlaughterFish Fry (textures by TheRagMan)


* Bears will hibernate in winter.

* Removed few hunting Ai Packages from predators so they only hunt twice a day for balancing purposes.

* Bears and SabreCats will keep wolves numbers in check to maintain their population balanced.

* Fixed more Wrongly placed BirdFlocks.

* Fixed issue with "coward" animals not fleeing when they should.

* Fixed issues with some animals having odd Ai Combat.


* Reduced wolf Packs Spawn points, too many of them everywhere causing havok.

* Fixed issue with Wolves Leader Packs not attacking correctly.

* Fixed few Birdflocks that were placed wrongly, causing them not to fly when approaching the trigger.

* Placed more Prey spawn points through all Skyrim.

* More optimizations to File structure.

1.13 **Thanks to shingouki for editing the baby models**

* AI Package improvements on find item food/flora.

* Added SabreCatCub and Snow that follows mother.

* Added the DeerBaby that follows mother.

* Predators will no longer attack on sight, they will give a warning if you get too close, you have about 5 seconds to
retreat before they will count you as a threat.

* Added Flying Hawks to most of areas.

* Twice a year all wild animals will try to mate with their species, date will vary for each species.

* New combat behavior for predators.


* Further Increase the AI Package of most Animals.

* Packed Meshes/Textures into a BSA file for Easier Install/Uninstall.

* Added Smart Fox and Hare to Rorikstead (Hare 1AM, Fox 3AM)

* Added Smart Dog in Riften that you can play with if you have any type of food.

* Fully Completed the Animal Food Chain.

* Prey animals will look for Flora 3 times a day.

* Optimized and Rebuild ID structure to prevent Mod compatibility issues.

* Further Increased the Speed of Deer/Elk.

* Further Increased the Speed of Predators.

* Added few more spawn points through all Skyrim (mostly ambient creatures).

* Adjusted Animals Health for little more realism.

* Added even more Bird Flocks through all Skyrim.

* Revised Factions of most Predators.

* Fixed minor issues (Invisible Bear Mothers).


* Bears acceleration speed has been decreased.

* SabreCats acceleration speed has been increased.

* Deer/Elk acceleration speed has been increased dramatically.

* Wolves acceleration speed has been increased slightly.

* Removed few wolves pack from WhiteRun plains (were too many)

* Added small rats and roaches to the Ratsway in riften.

* Further optimization to the file structure to smoother gameplay.


* It makes the small critters silent (Finally!)

1.0 ***(this version comes in two flavors, the Original file keeps Skyrim animals as true as their design, that means there wont be any variations on animals, while the Texture Pack Version gives a little more variation to some animals, so Download which ever you preffer)***

* Optimized AI Packages.

* More true animal behavior than ever before, predators now have a schedule of hunting and to find things to eat.

* Added animal textures created by "wrig675", and Hare/Rabbit Textures created by "chocolambot", THANK YOU BOTH.

* Removed Critters from Cities (next versions will get rid completely of them eventually since i was not able to make them Please continue, my good sir.)

* Expect the unexpected with some animals... it will amaze you what they can do now.


* Fixed small issue with factions.

* Added baby mammoth that follows mother.


* Wolves, Bears and SaberCats will hunt for Venison, Beef, Goat Leg, Horker Meat, Horse Meat, Rabbit Leg and Mammoth Snouth & will kill the creatures who carry the items at least once a day,
they will even search for corpses.

* RatSmall will hunt for SpiderTiny, SpiderSmall and CharusRoach once a day.

* SpiderTiny will hunt for CharusRoach once a day.

* SpiderSmall will hunt for SpiderTiny and CharusRoach once a day.

* Some Foxes will hunt for SpiderTiny, CharusRoach, SpiderSmall, Hare and RatSmall.

* Skeever will hunt for RatSmall, SpiderTiny, CharusRoach, SpiderSmall, Hare and Fox.

* Added some spawn points for Bear Black/Brown/Snow "Mother" and cubs who will follow them everywhere.

* Added few more flyaway "BirdFlock" points thoughout the big forests.

* Added Some non aggresive critters to Solitude, WhiteRun and RiverWood.

* Heavily modified the Factions for more true interaction between species.

* Wolves now have an Alpha Wolf and will follow him where ever he goes, only the Alpha Wolf carries Ai Packages so he can lead the pack in search for animals or food.


* Tweaked spawn rate for more regular run away foxes.

* Tweaked spawn rate for more regular run away goats.

* Tweaked spawn rate for more regular run away deers.

* Tweaked spawn rate for more regular run away elks.

* Fixed lonely wolf that may attack, now all single and couple wolves will always run away.

0.90 ***This is the exact same version as 0.90 "Real Predators", the only difference is the new name of the mod.***

This new version creates the illusion of animals with their own personality.

* Made many new spawn points throughout Skyrim for differen types of animals.

* Single wolves will always FLEE.

* Small Packs of wolves (2-3) will be cautious, this means they will flee when are losing the fight.

* Big Packs of wolves (5-7) will be extremely agressive and will stop at nothing.

* Chance to spawn a BlackBear (1-3 chance) that will be Coward.

* Chance to spawn a BearCave (1-3 chance) that will be Cautious, this means they may flee when are losing the fight.

* SnowBears are always brave and really aggressive.

* Chance to spawn a Deer/Elk (1-3 chance) that will always be Brave, while the rest will be Coward.

* Chance to spawn a Fox/Artic (1-5 chance) that may be aggresive.

* Added SmallCrab Spawn Points to rivers and lakes.

* Added female Horkers.


* Male Deers and Elk will give you a warning if you come close to them, if you keep approaching they MAY attack, denpending of your level.

* Foxes will try to scare you away if you come too close to them, but will eventually Flee (they may attack, but does not happends too often).

* Mudcrabs will stop attacking you on sight and will only attack if you really get close to them.

* Wild Goats will give you a warning and may attack if you get too close (depends on your level).

You can see the animals acting more life like when approached instead of just running away in the following videos:


* Deer speed has been increased by 25%

* Elk speed has been increased by 30%

* All 3 types of Bear speed has been increased by 10%

* Wolf speed has been increased by 20%

* Ice Wolf speed has been increased by 25%

* All 2 types of SaberCats speed has been increased by 25%

* Domestic Goat speed has been increased by 10%

* Wild Goat speed has been increased by 13%

* Wild Dogs speed has been increased by 15%


* Farm animals will stop reporting crimes, you will still get a 5 bounty if a guard see you attacking a farm animal... what? you think you can just go out and kill someone
elses farm animals with no repercution? still 5 bounty is not a big deal, guards will pretty much ignore you with 5 bounty.


* Predators Factions has been made enemies, this will cause to stop ignoring each other when you encounter 2 or more types of predators (Example Wolves may
attack Bears, or Bears may attack SaberCats)


Add even more "Smart Animals" to some Key Locations to give the illusion of true animal behavior.

Check out my other Mods:

"SkyTest - Settings"

"SkyTest - Harder Creatures"


shingouki2002 for modifying some animal meshes to give a baby appearearance

wrig675 for her Bellyaches texture Pack.

Chocolambot for his HD rabbit Texture Pack

TheRagMan for his HD SlaughterFish Retexture

MaxSustain for the Low Resolution Textures Pack


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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:39 am

So, how many animals/creatures does your mod actually add to the vanilla game?
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:27 am

It would be cool if wolves acted friendly around werewolves even while in human form. Maybe you can make it so they also help you in fights if they're close.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:04 am

There's no precedence that I can think of that wolves should be passive to werewolves in human form. Wolves are already passive while you're in werewolf form, so it seems like something Bethesda purposely didn't do.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:12 am

Why would a wolf even "hate" humans more than another wolf? A wolf would be just as likely to attack another wolf not in its pack. or maybe less. It's like zombies not eating other zombies, wtf seriously. The only reason I can think of for wolves not attacking werewolves is because they're really, big. Having said that I don't think people should even be on the prey list of wolves, regardless of whether wolves attack people they're definitely not part of a wolf's daily diet. Children maybe.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:32 am

Lets see, i added 3 types of BearCub, 2 types of Horker Female and 1 HorkerBull, Goat Brave, Goat Kid, Goat Female, 5 rabbits with different fur and a RabbitKitten, SmallCrabs, SmallSpiders, SmallRats (white and brown), ChaurusRoach, BabyMammoth,DeerFemale, DeerFawn, DeerBull, ElkBull, ElkCalf, SabreCatCub and SabreCatFemale, SabreCatSnow Female and SabreCatSnowCub, WolfCoward for all 3 types of wolf, WolfPack for all 3 types of wolf and WolfAlpha for all 3 types of wolf... i may have missed more.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:00 am

Great mod so far. Seems much more immersive and realistic with animals having their own factions, finding ingredients in their bellies when you gut deer, etc. Here is some feedback:

1.) One thing I noticed was cubs still make a giant footstep sound. I kept hearing this scary giant bear is right behind me paw sound and I turned about looking for it, then I finally see this tiny cub pop out of the tall grass. Pperhaps you could give bear cubs their own footstep sound (same one, tweaked a little higher pitch with less volume should work great)? CK has settings to do this without doing any sound forge work.

2.) It would be great if you could make a predator stop hunting and start eating once it catches it's prey. I saw a bear own a few wolves, a rabbit and a deer, then he took off after something else. To me it would be more realistic if he had stopped to eat his first kill rather than going on a rampage. You could add a script that checks if a fresh corpse is closer to him than his prey and then stop combat and start an eating animation/package.

3.) I always thought if I skinned this animal, how come it still looks the same? If you could swap the corpse with a "skinned" version that has a new texture of the hide removed showing bone and meat, it would add realism and let me know if a corpse is "eaten/skinned" at a glance. If an animal eats the other one do this same nif swap. You could do this a number of ways, with a perk activation choice and then a script that runs through the list of animals using getbaseactor or something like that, then swap out the reference mesh with the gutted one by moving the corpse to a holding cell (not sure if disable keeps it disabled forever and effects respawn) and then use a moveto command to move a corpse to the players location. It might even fall to the ground. Make sure the corpse has a corpse remove script on it so it goes away after a while.

4.) I haven't killed everything since I put your mod in yet, but I think every animal should yield some meat and a skin. Goats' leveled list is messed up because sometimes they leave a goat hide, others a leg of goat, and sometimes nothing. I killed this thing, surely it has four legs, where did my meat and hide go? Mammoths. Wow, there should be 10,000+ pounds of fresh meat here, yet all I get is a snout? Where is my mammoth hide which weighs probably 100 pounds but yields me at least 20 units of leather?
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:35 pm

I got something to tell you all, too much crazy stuff going on... to begging with my roof just fell, followed by my water supply and energy just went boom, now i just got informed 4 people that i worked with were found decapitated along 18 more, the total count so far is 50 people dead... Kinda scared even go out to my only two workdays in weekends... this is getting crazy and i guess i used the mod to kinda scape from all this much stuff, i think i need a break, too much stuff going i need to concentrate a little more in real life.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:49 am

We tend to forget that terrible things are happening outside our comfortable world. I hope things are getting better very soon for you. And great many thanks for giving us this mod!
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:10 pm

Agreed with all of this and they would be fantastic additions if possible. Real Wildlife does some of this as well. Intestines, stomach, heart, etc. for most animals.

I'm loving the principle behind the mod. I was by Riften looking on a hill down by a river... The water flowing and reflecting the orange tint from the sun going down... within the tree line I saw 2x 6 pack of wolves, a bear and her cub, several stags, deers, rabbits, and a hunter going nuts... was glorious.... until I got a CTD

Although can't give you all the blame, I've got grids set to 9 with everything maxed out as far as the eye can see with 16x AA and all settings high with shadows being drawn from across the map.

For a few brief seconds it was amazing though lol..
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:55 pm

Hang in there, Eta!
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:07 pm

1.2 is finished, ill test it for the next two days before uploading.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:53 am

Can't wait for another update, one of the best mods out there.

Request: Could you please overhaul the giants/mammoth factions? I sometimes see giants and mammoths attack each other even though they are from the same faction...I dunno if it's a vanilla bug but it's kind of annoying seeing that...I don't have a mod that modifies their faction, and I don't have wilflife either...I know you said that it is not your mod that causes this, but I'm still wondering if it's possible to alter their behavior.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:57 pm

Hmm its odd, they are already friends in each faction... there must be another mod conflicting with their faction because i havent touched MammothFaction nor GiantFaction, even less their behavior, can you post a pic of your mod list?
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Christine Pane
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:06 am

Title is Realistic animals&predators: Maybe the giant hates his life and had a bad day, so he's beating his pet mammoth to feel better. Seems realistic to me.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:41 am

Ack! my gpu been freezing my pc after some minutes of heavy use... anyway i think ill upload tomorrow-
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:33 am

From your Animals and Water Thread..

water current does play a factor has well I noticed..

Almost all 4 legged types have a swim animation assigned to them but no movement types defining the speed itself of the animation in the water. So they end up using their default land speed movement in water when swimming animation kicks in..

Deers do not have a movement type for their swim animation assigned to them under race - movement - but animation does exist just not assigned. Need new movement type and then that assigned under race..adjust speed to be slower and that should fix the torpedo deers..

Bear do have a swim animation and it is assigned just needs some fine tuning

Sabrecat's and Skeever and Wolves same has deer no swim movement type assigned to them

If I lost you let me know, I can send you something to play with...

unless your gpu is preventing that..
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:57 am

Yeah my gpu is acting crappy lately, some freeze ups after 10-20 mins of heavy gpu load, what exactly you mean sending something?
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:27 pm

There we go

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Dwemer Spectres.esp
SoS - The Dungeons.esp
SoS - The Wilds.esp
Crimson Tide - Blood.esp
StarX Frost Giants.esp
Auto Unequip Arrows.esp
Northborn Fur Hoods.esp
Dragon Overhaul.esp
No NPC Greetings.esp
No Perk Prereqs.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
Duel - Combat Realism.esp
WiS IV - Blood Coins Insane.esp
Bound Weaponry.esp
Fire Giants.esp
Frost Giants.esp
Automatic Variants.esp
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:48 am

I'd be willing to bet it is a conflict between SkyMoMod and SkyTEST, but I don't know enough about SkyMoMod to be sure.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:59 pm

Try disabling SkyMoMod, Frost Giants and Fire Giants, im sure its going to be any of them...
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:29 pm

Did you say were having problems with wolves killing everyone because npcs are on the prey list? Why don't you simply take them off? Humans really aren't wolf food in real life. In fact whether an animal is carnivorous or herbivorous has little to do with it's tendency to attack people- apart from sharks not many animals think of human as prey. For example in Africa the animals that kill the most people are Hippos and Buffalos.

Of course this contradicts loading screen lore that says skyrim wolves DO like to assail people like a thug.

I also just saw a bunny steal cabbages, how adorable! Did they do any of this before?
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:21 am

Nope, they still attack each other...
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:25 am

Vinu, For testing purposes try disabling all mods except SkyTEST, JUST DONT SAVE YOUR GAME.
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brian adkins
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:48 am

Found what is causing the Cows to fly when they die, Nedius may be intered in this... seems if you scale them to any value higher than 1 it will cause the to fly when dead, reverting their size will prevent this... this is related to Ragdoll and Skeleton, my gpu seems to be working fine for the last hours, so i think ill release in a couple hours more.
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JD bernal
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