Why cant we buy or sell slaves? And where are all the slavers? I know there is that one quest but youd think there would be more. We could also free slaves and use our settlements as a refuge. Thoughts?
It's really very simple, and it all is very primal once you think about it, the reason that slavery is not an institution in the World of The Poxaclips.
Human nature, hardened in the Fires of Nuclear Annihilation, and nursed on the Teat of The Wasteland. soaked in it's Bloody Tears even.
Pressed so hard for their very existence, the constant scrabble for basic sustenance, in a world where life is cheaper than a bottle of clean water, a person must reach a place where the simple act of living is not enough, where there is truly nothing left to lose.
Though there are certainly exceptions, I think slavery isn't an institution in the current Fallout world because most people have lived a life so hard that death is their constant companion, so they would truly rather die than submit to such misery beyond that which they already endure as a matter of course;
And, most people are good, when given the chance, they work together; we see the proof daily. In a world such as this, our greatest commodity will be our friends, and it won't take long to learn who they are. Folks will band together, granted, but those groups will be far more likely to be ruled by the common good, rather than some Mad Max inspired Warlord.
Plus, I have heard that Massachusetts has a history of being hard to handle........all praises due.
"By the Sword we seek Peace, but Peace only under Liberty"
Actually... You can sell a ghoul child during a quest, and even his family, as slaves. Apparently, the Gunners does a bit of slave-trading with someone. I don't know who but I feel we can all take some guesses.
there was slavery in FO3 and New vegas, ( not sure about earlier) but yeah, it's presence really isn't anywhere near the level it was in previous games.
It is not fun until the player does the slaving.
Those slave collars were cool in F3. I tried disarming them whenever I could, but I was not always successful. Oops sorry about that.
Settlers are practically your slaves...you order them to farm and scavenge for you, carry your stuff across the map, etc.
Can't whip. Can't beat. Can't kill. Can't sell. Don't prostrate themselves and call me a title of my choosing (King/Dictator/God etc would be nice). They do not sound very respectful.
Practically slaves, but not quite.
Poetic, but untrue. Slavery has existed all throughout human history, from the era of scrambling for survival to the classical era of enlightenment and science. Not only is Fallout under the right conditions to practice slavery, but it IS an established part of Fallout lore.
Fallouts 1, 2, and New Vegas have slavers feature as an active part of several post-war societies. In some places, they are treated as bogeymen who will steal you and your family away in the night. In others, they are legitimate business who set up in the city and sell human resources to those who require them. You can even sell companions and accidental marriages if you wanted.
The era of wages and labour rights died when the bombs fell. Fact is, when you're struggling to develop a society, having labourers go unpaid is simply the most effective way to survive. Look at your settlers: you're DEFINITELY not paying people to work your crops, but there they are: in exchange for their labour, they enjoy your safety and that of the Minutemen. No wages involved, yet it's helping your Commonwealth to thrive.
There's some mentions, like Cait's backstory and that one quest with the ghouls, and prostitution is implied in Magnolia's backstory (it's all in the songs, she says, and what else could Good Neighbor be about?), but I think the point is that the Commonwealth isn't as messed up as the Capital Wasteland or Caesar's Legion. The synths are technically considered slaves, and we see them treated pretty terribly, but they're Institute property only.
I blame it on those ridiculous roman era re-enactment enthusiasts back in Vegas. They gave slavery a bad name.
I suppose it's ironic that they have an underground railroad in Mass. but no slaves.
For most intents and purposes I view my companions as a quasi personal slave ring. I can't think of anything I'd want done that they won't do... I suppose that the abject humiliation of awareness/admission of slave status isn't there plus ability to barter buy and sell.
Speaking of slave collar exploding... I decided BOS had nothing more to offer me today.
I found Maxson's lippiness irritating and everyone's claims about how tough he is were wearing thin on me so I made a go at him to see how tough he was.
I beat him to death fairly quickly with a wrench. How's that for tech, buddy?
Blasting my way out of Prydwen was the most combat enjoyment I've experienced in days.
When I went to Murkwater where i had marooned Paladin Dance-boy he came out guns blazing. Killed him and it felt great (the murk community must have grown fond of him. They took his back. Murkwater population 0 now. Whatever.)
Strange part was when i rummaged Dancer's corpse i found a synth component.
Was he a synth? Was that some part of the story line that had I been a good little BOS boy and kept marching in step would have been revealed?
I stole x-01 body armor parts out of the quarter master shot down a couple of vertibirds and have amassed a terra cotta army of power armor suits from dim sums o bishes i murdered thus far.
All in all, highly recommend it.
BOS is the KKK of post apocalyptia. They need dying. Do it.
*As a side note, the slave trade may be gone but I've made untold thousands more caps in this game selling dope now that I can make jet from plastic and fertilizer so more than a fair trade in my book.
in case you live in a hole or don't know anything about human nature, slaves would be an immediate addition after the fall of government (they exist now, they're just criminal organizations so they dont advertise in the yellow pages, and that's not even getting into corporate slaves, etc.)
I'm all for some sadistic fun but damn you sound like you've done this before.