If there are slavers they will lie in pools of their own blood, clinically and efficiently butchered, same as Fallout.
^This comment is why slavery will NOT be in TES 5. Back in the Morrowind days, TES had little more than a cult fanbase. Since then, it has grown to become a premier game series enjoyed by millions. And that's fine, but by expanding to a larger audience, Bethesda must give up on certain "campy" aspects of the series. They need to dumb down the game for the masses, so to speak.
If slavery was brought back for TES 5, it would be a scandal in the media. Despite the fact that everyone who knows anything about the series knows about slavery in TES 3. It's a sad, sad comment on society to think that slavery in a FICTIONAL game universe would be taken personally by real people, but that's the idiotic world we live in.