Whether it is indistinguishable from human or not is totally subjective.
As I have said earlier, what happens if a neuron or two (by neuron, i mean decision making nodes) were taken away from the machine? Is it still a "person"? What happens if the machine only has one or two neurons? Is it still a "person"? At which point is a machine, and at which point is a machine a "person"? But then you'd say when it is "indistinguishable". Then who actually distinguishes the person-ness of a machine and why should the rest of the humans abide by such a ruling? I won't stand for it if my toaster tells me that it wants to stop toasting bread or I'd be violating its "human rights", if tech is so advanced and minaturised one day that AI is incorporated into mundane products like these.
To you, they're self aware, to me, I bought them, so I own them and they will do everything I say whenever I say or they will be factory reset (equivalent to mind wipe, I guess).
Such things are too subjective and people should keep things simple. A tool is a tool, a human is a human, an animal is an animal.