Tell that to SCOTUS.
Tell that to SCOTUS.
I'll believe that when a corporation goes to jail for the crimes corporations regularly commit.
So you're saying that only people go to jail?
Yes. Even if scientists string up billions and billions of neurons without computer bugs, into a computer program and/or have specialist hardware, and have a huge storage for the weights and whatnot, and assuming that they succeed in creating a "sentient" AI after the AI learnt how to be sentient after many many many hours of learning, they would just have created a generic tool.
The only way to create a human being, is to put a male and female together in a room with a bed.
Stop posting already, stop embarassing yourself please.
9/11 is proben as an inside job, so yeah, truth is still truth no matter how many people know it or accept it, majorities dosent matter, because the majority of people is stupid.
Well no wonder we are collapsing right now and going towards ww3
The evolution THEORY has that name for a reason.
You contradicted yourself in a single line... and yes, slavery is still here.
And a test tube!
Or there's always the cloning thing.
Or there's invetro... oh wait, that's the test tube thing.
No bed needed, or room for that matter.
Enough with the real world political comments. No political discussion is allowed.
@zherot - you're a bit of a pr***, aren't you?
You realize is that way so the people in charge of those corporations cant be held responsible of anything right? how are you going to put in jail a corporation?, its so [censored] simple but people is dumb to understand how this world REALLY works, they just believe in what they have been told since they are kids and keep believeing that without question.
Oh someone dosent have arguments and its offended by truth hence the only thing he can do is insult me, good job.
I'm afraid you've misunderstood the meaning of a scientific theory.
A theory is the highest lemma in science. There is nothing above it. A scientific theory can encompass many facts and many scientific laws.
Evolution is an observed fact. We have literally seen speciation occur. We have witnessed macro and micro evolution both in the wild and under laboratory conditions. Evolutionary theory is used to develop new medicine. Modern evolutionary synthesis theory encompasses the fact of evolution. Evolution is a proven fact and its mechanisms are explained by evolutionary theory.
Think of it like this: That the botulism bacteria causes botulism is a proven fact. The germ theory of disease explains this fact.
Hope this helps.
I'm not sure what they would have created. That's why I find the topic interesting.
What is in use today, is orders of magnitude simpler than the human brain. We have created approximations of the basic pathways, but so far not the architecture.
Correct me, if I am wrong, but ANNs usually consist of only a few layers, and information always flows in one direction. But even in those simple cases, there are parallels with how organic brains process information.
Its not, evolution has never been proved they are just theories and people want to believe its truth because if its not true then suddenly they have to start asking questions and they dont want to do that.
THEORY, period.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Speciation has been observed.
I have already explained to you how the scientific meaning of theory is not the same as the colloquial one, it does not mean "guess".
If you're unwilling to learn the meaning of these very basic terms then we have nothing to discuss.
Reality is not facultative and facts are not up for discussion.
Nope, you are delusional, its a theory and you are not going to convince me because the brain i have i actually use it so you can take all your wikipedia [censored] and do whatever you want with it, i know for a fact that evolution hasnt been proved because i have done my research and its not my job to convince you because i know you are one of those MANY people that just believes everything they have been told, if you do research you can see many times how someone has tried to prove the evolution THEORY with false evidence and they failed and they could never ever prove it thats why it is still a THEORY nothing more, we have laws like gravity and they are clearly called LAWS because those are facts but you never heard someone call the evolution LAW because it dosent exist.
You can stop responding to me already because you are wasting your time, im not going to convince you and cerainly you are not going to convince me.
You're unwilling to accept the basic definitions of words and therefore we have nothing to discuss.
Your worldview seems to hinge on deliberately not understanding what a scientific theory or law is and that's a shame, but reality is not facultative and facts are not up for discussion. You're wrong and that's the end of what I'm willing to converse with you, about this or anything else.
Basic enough.
Facts are not up to discussion.
Says the "thing" that thinks apes are people/persons etc...
So embarassing.
So did your research not rely on information provided by other people then?
Surely you can see the contraction in your statements, having a brain an all.
You made the choice to believe one group of people over another. Which is fine and everything. But calling someone delusional for accepting textbook science is a bit off.
You read fast, I will give you that. People learn from nature and try to emulate it.
I am guessing in your light reading, you read that the Neural Network is made up of neurons with a set amount of inputs or sensors for an application that was designed to do learning by itself. Simply put, the layers are just there to adjust weight to filter out the many different decisions and see if the result is desired or not. Feedback is required to learn to adjust the weights (and maybe cut offs, and other application specific stuff) accordingly. The smarter the programmer/programming team, the more he/they realise(s) more feedback, weights, and computation are needed. However, the learning is biased because it is based on past searches (I am sure there're a lot of articles about that).
As for the number of layers, it all depends on the complexity of the problem the engineers are trying to solve and what decisions from their various sensors/inputs need to be filtered through. It can be 1 layer, it can be many many layers. It all depends on the application that the algorithm is supposed to learn about. I have no doubt that a generic AI would have an insane amount of layers and sensors and inputs.
TLDR, at the end of the day, it's just a tool to be used for the benefit of whoever owns the machine.
Rather than giving "human rights" to whichever machine/animal that appears to be sentient, humans should keep it simple and look at the origin. Born using human DNA = human. Born using animal DNA = animals. Machines made by smart people who're funded by rich people = machines.
For #1 - yes, of course, but SCOTUS has made it's ruling, so we now have Corporations being people.
For #2 - more of a comment on your insulting style of posting, but, then again it probably wasn't necessary given this response. Besides, I wasn't arguing or backing anything up with facts. I was just commenting on your "ever-so-enlightened and respectful" posting style.