Thought I'd help get the ball rolling and really get people thinking on it. That other thread had a good topic even if it ended in a flop.
I actually don't mind slaves in the real world. Provided they're treated fairly or otherwise become as such if the other option is death, imprisonment (behind bars 24/7 with many people around. Not quite the same and certainty not well looked after) and the like.
I wouldn't mind being one. Actually, I am one. I don't mind being forced into situations and I don't mind extremes like being locked in a cage for a long time within reason, physical/mental abuse to the extreme provided it's not resulting in limb loss or permanent injuries. I wouldn't mind any of this if the owner cared enough to treat me well, even if they may take advantage. Which would keep me none rebellious. And I'm a bloody brat when I'm not treated well, I can tell you that. Which can be fun for the owner.
You know what I would mind though? Being stuck with some random Joe that rubs me the wrong way. And not being allowed prior consent, baring "being captured". I should get to say "You can go nuts with only a few hard rules". Still, if I get caught on a battlefield and there's a "Legion" that has owners that treat their slaves nicely to keep them placid am I going to say "Put my head on the chopping block instead"? Being a slave is actually a real thing and quite common on a 1 on 1 bases and even in small groups at times, which is when a slave is at their most placid more often then not. Now if someone goes "You're going to get treated like dirt and you're going to get spat on" then sign me up for chopping block. Still, you won't have any fun with me that way. And won't get the company. At least someone somewhere would have a chance of enjoying it if I was sold to a random Joe after being caught in battle where I could then also "do time" and enjoy their company too. Or maybe not. It's 50/50. But hey, still a step up over axe on the neck.
Now as for the Institute I see them as a middle ground between "Treated well" and "spat on". their main problem is not treating each synth on a 1 on 1 bases and just putting them into large groups and go "Reprogram every emotional synth. No exceptions". Maybe synths have their own hard rules. Maybe some like it and others don't? Either way you can see why treating a human on a 1 on 1 bases would be more efficient I'm sure. Should a slave be kept in line? Of course. But hey, I'm a brat and like a good struggle. And I don't just roll over on a reprogramming right away. Can't help it, caught or not. Maybe why it's people break the law. One has to wonder is synths enjoy being brats. But we can't know that if they get reprogrammed at the first sign of it. And "Treating like all the others within the group" tends to lead to rebellions. Wonder if Railroad would exist if the Institute showed more care for the synths? I wonder on the whites in ye olden times too. Can't control "race treatment" very well, but you can with "this group that looks after them better". Wouldn't want anyone to be a slave just because they are as they are though. That also tends to lead to rebellions. Treat them all nicely and see them each with their own personality? Tends to end better I find.
Either way it's a case of "Oh, you like me. I'm not going to run off now and be good and maybe even help you by choice." With me being a brat, treating me well would be a case of, hmm... I like the mind games to the extreme. With no/prior consent. That would be treating me well in a sense. But only if I like the owner. So it all circles to "Liking the owner". If I get to choose the owner then I'd say "Feel free to do all of this bad stuff to me" (After all my trust is placed in them of course). If it was a case of being captured by the enemy I'd just hope for the best. But kick a dog over and over and it's bound to bite you and run off.