I don't think I have any sleep deprived hallucinations, but I've got a few stories to tell about my prescription with Ambien. One night in particular I had difficulty sleeping, and even with the Ambien I wasn't getting anywhere. So I'm dozing off into sleep and then I swear I see something. I'm staring off into space by my hamper, and I start thinking all my clothes have people in them. My pants and shirts were coming alive as if someone was wearing them, it's kind of hard to describe. But I took my phone and I snapped a picture with the camera of a part I thought looked exactly like a person's head. http://s40.photobucket.com/albums/e223/Les_Punk/Serious%20stuff/?action=view¤t=2010-11-04_04-26-53_548.jpg
I'm kind of glad my prescription is out now. It helped me sleep pretty good, but it was way too crazy for what I wanted it for.