Sleeping in armor

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:35 am

I'm having problems with NPC's putting on their armor when they get into bed. The AI package starts, they take off the armor, walk to the appropriate bed, and then lie down with their armor back on again! It appears that this only happens if the player is present. If the player enters the cell after the sleep package has started, the NPC will be sleeping without armor.

I'm currently getting around this with object scripts on the NPC's that check their package type and re-remove the armor if they're sleeping, but that's making things complicated for one specific character who has two sleep packages, one with and one without armor, for different locations. Is there some secret combination of checkmarks that makes it work properly?
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lillian luna
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:51 am

IN the AI package flags do you have the Armor unequipped and the Weapons Unequipped check boxes checked ?
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:53 am

I have tried both ways in case that was acting as a toggle, instead of meaning what it said, but currently I have both "unequipped" flags set. The weapons are not re-appearing as the head hits the pillow, but the armor does.

If the NPC is going from a wander package with armor, to a sleep one, then they take off the armor at the package change, and go find their bed without any, and only re-equip when lying down, in the middle of processing the package. The initial unequip is happening, but it's being undone when the animation changes in the middle of the package playing out.

In the past, I've had issues with scripted equipitem apparently forcing a corresponding unequip at the next package end, even if the item would normally be re-selected. I checked that this wasn't a repeat of that scenario, but it may be related, and I'm still probing for the real rules.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:25 am

Not sure what could be the cause -- Are you using the See you sleep mod or similar that changes the beds? (IIRC it changes out some of the sleep animations as well as the furniture markers so that they are actually sit anims instead of sleep anims - so maybe the game is thinking your NC is sitting and so adding the armor back :shrug: )
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:52 pm

No, not using that mod. I generally keep my game mod-free (apart from my own) while I'm building one. The exceptions are UI changes (maps, Dark menus etc.) and the UOP series I assume most players will have. Nothing that would affect sleep.

This isn't a serious problem as I have scripted around it, but it's a nagging hole in my understanding of how the AI and animations work.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:16 am

No, not using that mod. I generally keep my game mod-free (apart from my own) while I'm building one. The exceptions are UI changes (maps, Dark menus etc.) and the UOP series I assume most players will have. Nothing that would affect sleep.

This isn't a serious problem as I have scripted around it, but it's a nagging hole in my understanding of how the AI and animations work.

I know the feeling (drives me crazy when things will not cooperate and I can't figure out why !) -- One other possibility is the cell owned by that NPC ? (perhaps it is seeing you as trespassing when you are in the cell while he\she is going to sleep and that is causing them to add the armor - which would fit with them not being armored if you enter after they are sleeping.)
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