Here are my specs at the moment:
Intel Core2Quad 3.00GHz OC @ 4.00GHz
8gb of DDR2 ram, OC in 1:1 ratio to FSB
2x GTX 560 Ti
Windows 7 64-bit
So, in multiplayer, everything maxed, dx11 and hires pack on with 1980x1200 I'm getting between 30 and 60 FPS.
The thing is, when it drops to around 30, both GPU's show as only performing at 50% of their capacity, and the CPU is only doing 60% ever. This is ofcourse, unplayable FPS but since it's pretty much what I was getting before (only then my GPU was at 80-90%)... am I doing something wrong?
SLI is enabled in nVidia control panel and I have the focus on the right monitor, and set it to performance mode.
Another thing... the FPS is pretty much the same if its maxed or in 1440x900 and with lowest settings(dx11 on)
What's up with that? Surely there should be a performance increase by lowering the settings..!
I am confus, help get pl0x