Hi, so, I've created a new perk in the creation kit, that basically what it does is give you the aura whisper effect. What the point of it is, I've created a new weapon, and I've attached a script to it that when you equip it, it adds a perk to the player, and removes it when you unequip the weapon. When I created the perk, in the perk entries bit, I chose 'ability'. Now basically I think this is the part where I'm not sure if it's right. I duplicated the aura whisper interior and exterior magic effects, and modified them from 'fire and forget' to 'constant effect'. Then I created a new spell of type ability and selected those two modified magic effects for it. Then In the perk entries bit of the perk I created I selected that new ability/spell. Sorry if that was really confusing.. Anyway, here's the problem. I've tested it in game, but it doesn't quite work right. When I equip the weapon, I do get the perk, ie everyone around me glows red, but then when I unequip the weapon, the effect stays :/ I know it's not a problem with the script, because I'm just using the script already there from the Dragonborn dlc. So, I think maybe it's a problem with the perk :S Only thing I can think of, is when I made the spell/ability, and chose it's two magic effects, there was the option there for duration. Now I don't want there to be a duration, I want the effect to stay the whole time you have the weapon equipped, and go when you unequip it. So I thought the script would do that for me (make the effect go when the perk is removed), so I set the duration to maximum. (something like 999999 days). Not sure if maybe that could be causing the problem?
Anyway, I'm sure I've rambled on for long enough now lol. Hope what I wrote made sense.. please tell me if it didn't. I really hope someone can help me with this, thank you!