This forum is full of bigheads, some people need to keep their smart ass comments to themselves. Anyway, this is an RPG is it not? And one of an RPGs main goal is immersion? So then why should something as silly as cosmetic frills, which will definitely kill immersion for many, many people, including me, be a non avoidable feature of the game? At the very least they need to be toned down and not be forced out of 1st person (just speculation that it does) , at least ones like the dragon finisher in the demo. Ideally Bethesda should put a choice at the start of the game.
Imo, Bethesda should do it either through related perks or a gameplay setting. I think a gameplay setting should be like how Obsidian did it with the kill cam (where you could disable slow motion effects, forced third person and the whole kill cam itself...
These things are so intrusive and can change the whole feel and "immersion" of combat. Finishing moves also very controversial, especially how they can force you into third person. Therefore... finishing moves (and all their respective parts) really should be optional, one way or another.