Sload, Imga and Lilmothiit?

Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:32 pm

I don't know about playable races, but an NPC wouldn't be too bad. I think in TES Adventures: Redguard, made an appearance.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:29 pm

Maormer are the only real plausible addition.

The Igma are actually even more plausible. They live in Valenwood after all. Not a mysterious island-continent outside the Empire.

The problem is...well...its just...they're apes....
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:36 pm

The Igma are actually even more plausible. They live in Valenwood after all. Not a mysterious island-continent outside the Empire.

The problem is...well...its just...they're apes....

The problem is that they're unintelligent Altmer wannabes. Maormer are a civilised race who have had dealings with Tamriel before, and unless I'm mistaken, not serious active conflicts. They're pretty plausible.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:34 am

The problem is that they're unintelligent Altmer wannabes. Maormer are a civilised race who have had dealings with Tamriel before, and unless I'm mistaken, not serious active conflicts. They're pretty plausible.

Um....the Tamriel Navy destroyed the last kings fleet, they fought on several occasions.

oh and from the lore, the altmer REAAALLY do not like the Maomer, beach raids and all the jazz, not to mention having outposts on Valenwood back in the day, yeah the Maomer aren't exactly huggles either :D
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:39 am

The problem is that they're unintelligent Altmer wannabes. Maormer are a civilised race who have had dealings with Tamriel before, and unless I'm mistaken, not serious active conflicts. They're pretty plausible.

So have the Sload, the Daedra, and the Akaviri (at least, the Tsaesci and Kamal). That makes them as equally plausible as Maomer.** IMO, Igma are the only intelligent* beings (race) who are native to Tamriel that haven't appeared in a game. Giants (implausible) are in Skyrim, a Hist (also implausible) was in Oblivion, and a Dwemer was in Morrowind (last one, too bad). Ayleids are there covertly (Mankar Camoran had Ayleid ancestry) and races like the Lilmothiit or Falmer are still unknowns, though extinct supposedly. If there are still Falmer, we will see them in Skyrim...

*Perhaps they're not geniuses, but they're far cry from goblins and grummites.
**By those credentials.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:09 pm

Didn't Beth say they are adding new races that couldn't be played in previous TES games?

I think you're thinking of the time they said there were new creatures in the game, associated with the lore, but never really used or shown in previous games. I really like the Imga, they seem really funny, yet very hostile. I think it would be more fun to meet one than play one.

Edit: Sorry, I meant Imga
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anna ley
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:58 pm

10 is enough. and dont people in tamriel hate the sload? i dont want to be attacked randomly in town just for being a sload.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:55 am

Didn't Beth say they are adding new races that couldn't be played in previous TES games? Would you like to play as a Sload? I would. Oh well... maybe for Elder Scrolls VI: Return of The King (aka, return of The Emperor - Martin and his son - doubting Thomas) eh?

The Lilmothiit on the other hand are said to be like the Khjajit save that they are foxes (according to the UESPWiki), foxes are like dogs and I like dogs better than yeah. I'd certainly like to play as a Lilmothiit.

Imga on the other third hand - that doesn't exist - are apes that see high elves as their lords and masters and try to be like them be wearing capes and what not. It would certainly be funny playing as one. They see humans (imperials?) as inferior to them too.

the lilmothiit are extinct and the imga serve bosmer iirc, and sload are too big to move themselves, on land, without magic soooo only the imga are the only plausible race, but i woudl still like to see them (and i would like to be the last Lilmothiit on nirn or something)
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:06 pm

10 is enough. and dont people in tamriel hate the sload? i dont want to be attacked randomly in town just for being a sload.

Well, maybe you don't... :teehee:

A Sload, in a cave somewhere near Riverwood:

A'ghasta pulled on his fatty cheek with a stubby limb. He had gone over the procedure a hundred times, planning and re-planning, and he knew it by heart. Assemble corpse. Insert black soul gem. Apply electricity. Impose will. Done. (though the steps were simplified for you easterners, there are in fact many more!) Alas. Something was still wrong. A'ghasta thought it over. It wasn't a moment until he realized that uneasy feeling he'd been having had nothing to do with this necromantic creation. By the time it was a moment, his realization turned into his greatest fears realized. A mob of Nords burst into the cave, all screaming for his neck-less head.

"Execute him! Execute the monster!" they screamed, waving their flasks of Nordic mead violently. A'ghasta couldn't defend himself. There were too many! And their breath...was overpowering. And A'ghasta thought giants smelled bad...

Hunched over from the fumes of his noxious badly-in-need-of-some-sload-soap captors, a bag was tied over his fat head and he was dragged from his grand cavern. Very, very slowly dragged, due to the fact of his bulk and also due to the fact of the drunkenness of the Nords. This only made A'ghasta's humiliating defeat even more unbearable. Though, looking back at it now, A'ghasta's defeat seems hardly a burden at all, compared to what came afterward. I am of course speaking of the dragons:

"Raaaaaaaaauuuuurrrrrgggggg!" came a great roar from above. A'ghasta's captors quickly let go of him, and A'ghasta found himself very much alone in the small, canvas world that surrounded his head (it was a very nice world, actually, since only A'ghasta was in it). But no sooner than this pleasant thought had come to his brain, the canvas bag was ripped off by a large pair of talons.

"YOU ARE THE DRAGONBORN!" the dragon said in surprise.

"The...come again?" said A'ghasta.

"I MUST EAT YOU, FUS ROH DAHHHH!" the dragon roared in response, sending A'ghasta rolling backwards down the mountain towards Riverwood. The roll was rough and long but fast, which thankfully shook the dragon from his tail but unfortunately ended with A'ghasta rolling into Riverwood center looking quite dour. Like I said before, the roll was quite long, and in this time A'ghasta remembered what Dragonborn was, and how he was meant to save the world from Alduin, and how this made him awfully depressed. Still more depressing was that ugly old woman who stared at him as he rolled into town. Sad creature...

"Look!" shouted the villagers around him, shaking him from his melancholy, "A Sload! KILL IT!!! KILL IT!!!"

Then the dragon suddenly returned, shouting in a strange tongue that A'ghasta didn't even begin to understand. Though A'ghasta was pretty sure the dragon was channeling the villagers.

How had he gotten into this great disaster? And now he has to save the world? When was he supposed to make plans for that? Can he quit? Why couldn't he just make zombies like he used to in his little cave? A'ghasta pulled on his fatty cheek with his stubby limb as he began to summon his undead minions. This was going to be a long, long day...

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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:18 am

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Kaley X
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:43 am

I'd be more inclined to see wild elves (Ayleid descendants) make an appearance. A tribe or two right on the Cyrodiil border would be really cool, and would help make up for the fact that Oblivion completely neglected them. But there probably isn't enough skill-wise to differentiate them from Bosmer for them to actually be playable.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:13 pm


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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:00 pm

Did they? Linkage or it didn't happen.

Sure, what could be more fun than playing as Jabba the Mage? Er...I mean, no. I think I'd sooner play as a Lich, and I'm against making those playable too. :P


Boy, you read my mind on this one. I have reffered to the sload as slug Jabba du Hutts before also. HELL no, I don't want to be one. I don't even want to SEE one!!!!

:cheat: <_< :stare: :sick: :flamethrower: :cheat:

That said, Imga and Lilmothitt sound good. I like foxes, though I still prefer cats. Big cats inparticular.

Really want to make MY day, allow me to play as Dremora or a male Aureal or Mazkan.
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:03 pm

Wow. Just......... wow.

My reaction exactly.

But, on topic. Lore wise I can't see a Sload being in Skyrim for any reason.

Oh and.......ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Course' I suppose they'd be easy to kill, pour some salt on them and its done.

As for the other races mentioned, its been confirmed we only have ten races. But I wouldn't doubt that they won't be included in future game, while maybe not playable, I'm pretty sure they'll be in.

I for one would like to run across some "Wild Elves".
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:54 pm

Lore wise a Kamal appearance could work well, okay not as playable characters, but bringing more unseen races even as NPC's would be amazing in my opinion.

Also... I don't get why the Tang Mo wouldn't be able to show up? By the sounds of things they've not really done anything to affect Tamriel, maybe in the past 200 years, after endless attempts from the other Akavir races they've finally been forced out of their homeland and fled across seas?

I know none of this will happen, as its already been confirmed to only have the previous 10, but still, discussion is nice :D
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Janette Segura
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:43 pm

Imga for sure.
Others? most probably not, but having them in game would be great
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:55 am

Everyone hates the Sload. I would love to play as one. Great RP possibilities... hilarious RP possibilities....

I'd probably like to play as them too as I too like hilarious RP possibilities. :) I think the current 10 playable races are enough though, I'd like to see the Sload and other races as NPCs.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:04 pm

There are only two beast races, compared to humans and mer which have 4 each.
I want them to add Lilmothiit In future games because they aren't gonna be putting more in Skyrim.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:12 pm

I don't really care.. I don't even mind if there are ten races, I just want very definite races. It seemed they just threw in ten in Oblivion and added some lore. I think there's just three main - Humans, Elves, Beasts. Given, there are some sub-races in that. But the Elves and Humans seemed all very, very similar and boring.

It's people like you that make me sick.
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claire ley
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:33 pm

It's never going to happen, but it would be fun to play as a Lilmothiit. I certainly don't expect to see any of them in Skyrim though.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:52 am

It's people like you that make me sick.

Calm down haven't had , have you?
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:36 pm

Why does this keep coming up? By lore not only do Sload have no place in Skyrim, but they have no place in being a playable character ever.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:59 pm

Why does this keep coming up? By lore not only do Sload have no place in Skyrim, but they have no place in being a playable character ever.

I wish you (and others) would stop with that stupid "there's no Sload in Skyrim, lore says so" argument. Here's why:

1. They are still alive, yes?
2. The Sload are intelligent, yes?
3. The Sload are masters at teleportation, yes?
4. Sload have airships, yes?
5. Sload trade for slaves in Morrowind, yes?
6. Sload have been rumored taking bodies from Elsweyr, yes?
7. Sload have been seen off the coast of Hammerfell, yes?
8. Sload have been sighted in Blackmarsh, yes?
9. Given these things, its pretty clear that they can go wherever the hell they want to, yes?


How's that for [NUMMIT] lore. :toughninja:
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:43 pm

None of those could realistically be in Skyrim.
If it was "TES _: Valenwood" or "Black Marsh" I would love to see Imga and Limothiiti respectively, and maybe an uncommon Sload in any of the Southern Provinces, but Skyrim? Nah.
Sload wouldn't work for playable races anyways.

edit: Considering the post above mine, I've got a bit of egg on my face. :mellow:
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James Rhead
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:56 pm

ill just bring my salt shaker.
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