I rebalanced them and all but how do i get permission to release all this? I heard that Slof retired and when i asked Corepc about this he told me to make a topic so i guess i will
Any suggestions are welcome
The clouded leopards are khajiit kin who have lived on different landscape
The clouded leopards quick and agile ( darker ) known as the "Bog Chameleons" have lived in the south-eastern part of Elswyr near the marshes that area changed their outer looks and abilities.They have darker fur with small black spots and bright eyes. Known for their skilled use of illusion magic to augment their sneak ability, also known for their excellent use of blunt instruments. Because of their darker fur they possess a small resistance to fire, resistant to diseases, as their khajiit kin they can also see clearly at night what makes them good predators. For their adaptation to the marshes they developed curiosity for herbs and therefore they were using alchemy.
As for their abilities they should have a greater power "Stalk" or something like that i am not sure yet hehe
The bonuses and weaknesses are still to be decided i will have to take examples of those cobl for khajiit
I was thinking of giving them a lesser power of some sort adaptive strike...
The arctic clouded leopards strong and endurable have inhabited the high mountains of Cyrodiil and are known as "Arctic Peacemakers" unlike their other kin they have grown to be excellent warriors who can withstand big amounts of punishment. They are resistant to frost , normal weaponry. They are peaceful and generous, good at using alteration and light furs...
They are weakened by fire and poison because they are still called to go back to the warm desert sands
They are resistant to normal attacks and frost therefore they are shielded by a frost shield
They have learned a great deal on how to use restoration and alteration magic and light armour
Still thinking...
Please keep the topic alive