I've played every fallout game, blah blah blah I'm a veteran to the series blah blah
Anyway, love the game, but melee swing speeds on all weapons (except knives) across the game is far too slow. Slow, easily interrupted, and entirely dependent upon VATS for effectiveness (which is annoying, since melee is supposed to be fast, visceral, and engaging face to face combat...not slowed down auto-attacking while tapping space bar).
I realize this will probably be modded in some capacity (thankfully), but it would be quite lovely for Bethesda to OFFICIALLY patch the game and drastically balance melee. Plus, the ultimate skill in the melee "tree" requires power armor running? Come on guys, can't you do better than that? Please don't force melee users into using power armor for that lame ultimate ability. I would rather it be an ability that increases melee swing speed than something like what we have now.
Just my feedback. Thanks.