Slow/Frozen Doors, Fire, Spell etc. animations, Thread 8 of

Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:35 am

Here a crazy idea. would it be possible to convert the Xbox 360's save game files of Oblivion (is the game named after the glitch) to a file that the computer version can read.

I know you can't fix file on your computer and put it back on the 360, but can you just make the file into a PC save instead. This would allow us console users to circumvent the problem by moving to the PC without losing your well developed console character.

Also I would like to let you all know that I am just another of the people that have been nuked... twice, both of which were 500+ hour and lv. 40+ characters. I still haven't beaten the game after spending three years of my life on the [moderator censored] game, and half of that time was spent fearing the second coming of... The Glitch.

and I loved this game.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:12 pm

OK, I havent written code in years, but if all it takes is to reset a byte to temp fix the dilemma, why on earth doesnt Bethesda issue a patch which inserts something that checks the value of that bit, and if it gets to "X" then resets it to a lower value before execution?

My reading indicates that when the byte(s) in question reach hex XXXXXXH49 is when the issue occurs. So all it takes is a few lines of code to check that variable, and if it reaches H47, then reset to H40. Smallish, simple subroutine to be added to the games hard coding, would seem to be all that is required.
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:42 pm

OK, I havent written code in years, but if all it takes is to reset a byte to temp fix the dilemma, why on earth doesnt Bethesda issue a patch which inserts something that checks the value of that bit, and if it gets to "X" then resets it to a lower value before execution?

My reading indicates that when the byte(s) in question reach hex XXXXXXH49 is when the issue occurs. So all it takes is a few lines of code to check that variable, and if it reaches H47, then reset to H40. Smallish, simple subroutine to be added to the games hard coding, would seem to be all that is required.

Yes simple fix but that would not fix the underlying problem - that the error occurs because the game is using a variable it should not be using to determine the animation timing because of poor coding (somehow the animation timing is using a variable counter in the save game to get the speed the animations should run at instead of using a constant variable that should never change ( so the pointer is pointing to the wrong information to read - and who knows what other things are using that Byte and the long term consequences of changing it may cause ! - And since repairing it with such a patch may cause other problems to appear at a later date - Microsoft and Sony would not approve distributing a patch that uses that as a fix even if Bethesda were to write it - So Beth would need to go in and actually fix their code instead which would require more time and effort than they are willing to put into supporting a Legacy product (Sad but True) Esp. seeing that the error will not even occur to most users since they will not spend the 500 or so hours playing a single character so the user for such a fix is a very small percentage of their base and spending the resources tto fix it is just not economically feasible for them !
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:42 pm

That an underlying cause is the root, is not in question. However, the byte in question appears to have been extensively tested at values ranging from H40 thru H48, all without any discernable impact upon the game. Therefore, a subroutine which would serve to keep that variable within that range, would remedy the dilemma as it currently exists, and essentially buy time to determine the root cause.

That Beth isnt going to do anything about it at this point in time, is also a given. The game is indeed, a legacy one now. That they did nothing about it a year ago or more; is quite discomforting.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:25 pm

That an underlying cause is the root, is not in question. However, the byte in question appears to have been extensively tested at values ranging from H40 thru H48, all without any discernable impact upon the game. Therefore, a subroutine which would serve to keep that variable within that range, would remedy the dilemma as it currently exists, and essentially buy time to determine the root cause.

That Beth isnt going to do anything about it at this point in time, is also a given. The game is indeed, a legacy one now. That they did nothing about it a year ago or more; is quite discomforting.

I couldn't agree more. I haven't hit the gamebreaker YET (I'm on the 360), but after reading about this am also quite discomforted. I rented Oblivion on a luke this summer while watching my sister's house for a couple of weeks (I hadn't played any video games in 7 or 8 yrs.), and was blown away. Shortly thereafter, I bought the Xbox 360 just to play this game (GOTY). The first time thru, I mostly just burned thru all the quests so only had 200 hrs or so. But every game I've played since, the hours played increase as I RP more. I'm at almost 300 hrs w/ current character and have lots more I wanted to do (very possibly taking another 300 hrs). But after hearing/reading about this gamebreaker, I guess the fun likely won't last a whole lot longer and will hit a wall before I can conclude the RP.

After getting into the forums here a few weeks ago, I was strongly considering getting Morrowind and eventually Fallout 3, let alone salivating over an eventual release of ES5. Now, it's possible, if not likely, that I won't get any of those. The idea that Bethesda won't fix the prob because they'd have to change a boatload of subroutines is crap -- save that for the next game. Not releasing a simple (superficial or dirty, I don't care what it's called) patch to prevent it is a total disregard of their fan base.

How much other software or hardware companies have you stopped supporting over the years because of their lack of support? For me, many (e.g., Dell, Iomega, Norton.... just to name a few). My motto: the only power a consumer has is their wallet. Bethesda's core of sales, it appears to me, are driven, either directly or indirectly via word-of-mouth, by those who want to spend a lot of time RP. Not correcting a known-problem (2 yrs or more old) that completely disrupts that motive, is just B###$### (self-censored).

Edit: I should also mention that besides not likely buying any other of their games, I'm *definitely* not going to buy any of the OB download content -- which I was planning on doing in the next couple of weeks.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:35 pm

I quote "7. Please feel free to suggest any other questions you think might be good to ask to help ferret out a common cause for this glitch."

So here's my suggestion for ps3 users: Maybe it helps to change your ps3 video out settings from 720p to 1080i or 1080i to 720p? just a suggestion, luckily have not encountered the problem yet.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:25 am

Sorry to bump this, but i'm just making sure that this is "officially" forever A messed up game killing glitch for console users, and will never, ever be patched through Xbox Live, right?

The Fallout 3 Pitt DLC issues are just reminding me of this [censored] glitch, that Bethesda just ignored.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:41 pm

Sorry to bump this, but i'm just making sure that this is "officially" forever A messed up game killing glitch for console users, and will never, ever be patched through Xbox Live, right?

The Fallout 3 Pitt DLC issues are just reminding me of this [censored] glitch, that Bethesda just ignored.

Don't keep your hopes up for a patch for this game that will fix the A-Bomb.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:30 am

Don't keep your hopes up for a patch for this game that will fix the A-Bomb.

I am somewhat disappointed in Bethesda in not fixing this problem that they have been aware of for quite some time. I am further distressed by their allowing their OGOTY to be allowed for sale. I purchased this game after having played Morrowind. It was such a good game that I Purchased OGOTY. All was going well until I was in the 300 saved games area. I have to thank the many people that have spent their time and effort to try to solve what Bethesda won't, (or can't?). Without the perseverance of these individuals, I'd have had to give up the game. I am lucky that I am a PC user. I really feel sorry for the Console users as they are truly out the money. I would hope that Bethesda would reconsider their stance and at least give these users another game at a steep discount. As a business man, I am appalled at the lack of concern for their customers. If, based on the thousands of downloads of the "dirty-fix", those downloaders just told 5 people, that would otherwise buy from Bethesda, not to, just what financial impact would that have on Bethesda's bottom line. Wake up Bethesda, take care of your customers and they'll take care of you and continue to promote and purchase your games. Thanks a ton to all of the individuals that worked out, albeit temporary, fixes for the rest of us that are not very computer literate, thanks to all of you.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:34 am

I am somewhat disappointed in Bethesda in not fixing this problem that they have been aware of for quite some time. I am further distressed by their allowing their OGOTY to be allowed for sale. I purchased this game after having played Morrowind. It was such a good game that I Purchased OGOTY. All was going well until I was in the 300 saved games area. I have to thank the many people that have spent their time and effort to try to solve what Bethesda won't, (or can't?). Without the perseverance of these individuals, I'd have had to give up the game. I am lucky that I am a PC user. I really feel sorry for the Console users as they are truly out the money. I would hope that Bethesda would reconsider their stance and at least give these users another game at a steep discount. As a business man, I am appalled at the lack of concern for their customers. If, based on the thousands of downloads of the "dirty-fix", those downloaders just told 5 people, that would otherwise buy from Bethesda, not to, just what financial impact would that have on Bethesda's bottom line. Wake up Bethesda, take care of your customers and they'll take care of you and continue to promote and purchase your games. Thanks a ton to all of the individuals that worked out, albeit temporary, fixes for the rest of us that are not very computer literate, thanks to all of you.

All indications point to the problem being a part of software Bethesda is using under license and cannot modify.

Elder Scrolls games have always had plenty of glitches and Bethesda is rather lacking in post release support. It is a better choice to buy the PC version because any unofficial bugfixes will not be made available to console users due to Microsoft/Sony restrictions on user made content on their respecive online services.
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brenden casey
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:20 am

B) Question=
i know i can copy my PS3 Game saves to a Memory card and save it on my PC. can i then use this or these fixes then save it back on my PS3?
[]Ouch it froze![/email]

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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:39 pm

B) Question=
i know i can copy my PS3 Game saves to a Memory card and save it on my PC. can i then use this or these fixes then save it back on my PS3?

I don't think it will work. The PC fix will only work for a PC saved game, because I think the format is different from the console versions format. I may be wrong, though.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:44 am

The format is the same, but the save game file probably needs to be digitally signed on the console for it to load. (IE the save cannot be edited and then loaded up and played)
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:58 am

I've heard 360 users can't do it, but try it for PS3 anyway - don't hope too much though :/
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:28 am

Interesting observation: I recently upgraded my hardware significantly (CPU, motherboard, and video card). This glitch immediately went from just *barely* manifesting in my current game (i.e. doors were a little bit choppy opening) to animations being just about completely frozen.

(Of course, running the user-made workaround, that's not too big of a concern. But I thought the change worth noting here.)
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:48 am

I'm guessing you upgraded to faster hardware. This means you'll get an higher FPS which will make the bug show up earlier. The higher your FPS, the faster this bug will manifest itself.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:26 am

I'm wondering if it is a software issue, and Beth is bound under specific liscence agreements from having the capacity to make a proper fix, was this same software carried over to Fallout 3? I'm relatively computer illiterate, but was the same engine used for both Oblivion and Fallout (and is this relevant)?

If the software is similar or identical, and no F3 users have experienced the A-Bomb in any form, woldn't it be feasable or possible to implement some of these changes used in F3 to correct or prevent the issue to Oblivion in a patch?
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:09 am

There appears to be a link on the first page of this thread to zbobg's program to fix the abomb but it is broken. Can someone give me a link to download this program please? thanks in advance for your help.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:04 pm

I'm wondering if it is a software issue, and Beth is bound under specific liscence agreements from having the capacity to make a proper fix, was this same software carried over to Fallout 3? I'm relatively computer illiterate, but was the same engine used for both Oblivion and Fallout (and is this relevant)?

If the software is similar or identical, and no F3 users have experienced the A-Bomb in any form, woldn't it be feasable or possible to implement some of these changes used in F3 to correct or prevent the issue to Oblivion in a patch?

FO3 uses the same game engine, with some tweaks..... whether or not the abomb was fixed, is still a matter of speculation, as FO3 doesn't lend itself to as much playtime as Oblivion..... I have one character that has done most everything he can, and he is barely over 100 hours. Unfortunately, some of the changes done to the engine, (no support for rideable anything....) make it impossible to simply port the engine across games. Bummer, as FO3 runs smoother, with a better framerate on my machine......

According to the license agreement, Beth makes no guarantees on the software.... So, they are NOT legally bound to fix anything. There are rumors of "something new" for oblivion coming up, but, as to what it is, no one really knows, and beth isn't sayin'. Hopefully, it will be a patch to fix some of the more glaring errors in the game engine.

There appears to be a link on the first page of this thread to zbobg's program to fix the abomb but it is broken. Can someone give me a link to download this program please? thanks in advance for your help.

Wrye Bash can also fix the abomb. (if you are on PC.....) It also does a whole boatload of other very cool things, and is an indispensable tool for mod users. Get it
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:20 am

Hi :)

I used to be Earthling... lost my password and when I finally reacquired a personal internet connection it was with a different ISP, so I made a new account after recently getting the itch to play OB again.

@Tig Ol Bitties: Thanks for carrying the torch. :goodjob: Too bad Beth hasn't been able to fix this problem after 3 yrs and what luck to have such a dedicated community!

The link to zBobG's fix on tesnexus works fine for me.

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sam smith
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:37 pm

Hi :)

I used to be Earthling... lost my password and when I finally reacquired a personal internet connection it was with a different ISP, so I made a new account after recently getting the itch to play OB again.

@Tig Ol Bitties: Thanks for carrying the torch. :goodjob: Too bad Beth hasn't been able to fix this problem after 3 yrs and what luck to have such a dedicated community!

The link to zBobG's fix on tesnexus works fine for me.


Talk about MIA... :lol: . Yea, the thread has gone through quite a few revisions since the days you were managing it. All is well for PC-users. Welcome back!!!....even if only for a little bit.

The zBobG animation fixer link works for me as well.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:04 am

Many kudos to zBobG for his "fix" for this issue! My wife had made it to a save game file with 404 hours (she likes to just wander...and shop) and she was experiencing very serious slowdowns and even an impenetrable freeze in one main quest Oblivion Gate. After some searching I found this discussion and a link to zBobG's tool (OAF) for dealing with "49" hex numbered save games (and "abomb"). Running zBobG's tool was easy and quick, and resulted in much smoother game play. It caused the frozen section to unstick so she could continue on into the tower containing the sigil stone.

It is amazing that this problem even exists and Bethesda knows about it but doesn't fix it! I finished the game with about 220 hrs. in my last save game. Out of curiosity I loaded my last save in OAF and it was up to 48.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:29 am

One month bump
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:07 am

sometimes when i cast a spell, ALL the game freezes...i need to force the exit using ctrl+alt+del
i have tried to disable all the mods, but the problem continues...
can someone help me??
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:16 pm

I must say that I've never experienced this glitch, I'm on PS3 and I've had oer 1000 hours of gameplay and I have NEVER experienced it. But I've used all the glitches there are. I have never experienced it. Hrm.
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