Just wanted to throw my support and similar experience out there for those that have just discovered this awful, entirely unnecessary, soul-crushing, game-breaking bug. (for me, 360 version)
I feel for you, and I just lost so much respect for a company I thought I loved.
I started noticing weird things happening around the 500-hour mark for my female Breton (who btw found the Mundane Ring and so magic can't touch her... I also had two other legendary Tamrielic artifacts... goddamnit). Lit torches would create these weird left-over flames in midair where I once stood, as if the particle effects were creating ghosts of themselves. Soon after I noticed some torches didn't have active flames at all and looked more like glowing sticks, but I shrugged it off at first because I've seen strange visual glitches before in the game -- for instance my character is uber fast with 100 SPEED, 70+ SPEED through items and two stacked spells which add another 200, that she often gets to places before the textures load properly.
However the problems would only grow worse the more I played, with the stuck torch flames becoming see-able through walls, as if they were detect spells, and for some reason the gold shoes near my dresser had duplicated themselves, yet I never touched them at all. But the final nail in the coffin was when I closed the doors to my Benirus Manor bedroom and spent the night there only to awake to the fact that I was essentially locked into the room. The doors WOULD NOT open, and no amount of button mashing or reloading my save would fix it. I thought it was something I could fix by restarting and clearing the cache, but when that didn't work I knew something was very wrong. When I cast a spell on myself the bright white particles stuck to the air like glue and would not go away. Flames in fireplaces looked like paper cut-outs yet the trees and clouds swayed just fine. It's like the game would freeze, but just for very specific animations, and unfortunately the most important ones. But the most F'ed up thing about it all is that the doors WILL eventually open if you use "wait" for hours by it and the spell animations WILL finish after about 3 days' game time. I couldn't help but think, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"
An hour later after searching the net, I came to the horrible revelation of what was happening but I don't at all understand why it has to be. I mean listen to how ridiculous this sounds: Apparently some key animations' timings in the game become corrupt and slowed to a crawl if your saved game hex code goes over a certain value, but you can't control said value because it auto increments behind the scenes every time you save and with everything you do, so no matter what system you play it on, if you play it long enough, you WILL be [censored]. Somehow the save game is using a variable that controls the timing of
realtime animations throughout the game.... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
Now I'm no programmer, but even I know that's not a normal way to do things. Why would the save game's code have anything to do with the realtime happening of the game, which load constantly from the disc anyway? And why the HELL would these animations eventually finish properly depending on what time the IN-GAME CLOCK is at?!
I-I just.... don't understand. And I feel so betrayed

Outsiders or those players unaffected as of yet might think I'm just bashing a reputable company for a minor glitch, but this is not at all a bug that can be circumvented, at least for console users, it will eventually happen no matter what and it ABSOLUTLEY prematurely ends your experience with the world of Cyrodil. Just think of the nature of the glitch: some of the most important animations, like spells, that need to play out, cannot play out. Even if doors will eventually open if you sleep near them, what if you need to open a door while you're in the middle of a fight -- can't sleep near it then. When you cast a spell it's effect stays stuck in the world and effectively blocks off your first-person view. No one in their right mind could play Oblivion like this comfortably, and indeed it absolutely breaks some quests outright. So in the end,
OBLIVION INEVITABLY BREAKS ITSELF!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN A MORE [censored] UP GLITCH IN THE HISTORY OF MY GAMING CAREER. And the fact that Bethesda has known about it for years now and won't or can't fix it adds just another hopeless layer to this tragic overlooked bug that just didn't need to be. I know playtesting a game of this size would be hell, but they should at least have tested what happens the longer you play, and concerning incremental numbers that could possibly break things, have we learned nothing from Y2k? And the fact that they still released DLC and GOTY editions despite it royally pisses me off.
I have become very attached to my character; the wonderful items I earned, the experiences I had and the consequences of my actions... to think that she's just dead to me now because I can't play the game itself due to it ruining itself is just depressing. I invested 500 hours of my life only to be slapped in the face, kicked while I'm down and spat on by Bethesda. But then again this isn't the first time Bethesda has prematurely left one of their game's behind wallowing in a pool of bugs and glitches (*cough* Daggerfall *cough*). It's like when are we gonna learn and stop buying their bug-laden games to prove a point.
I am happy for the PC users who at least found a way around it, but through third-party support I might add. I may have no other choice now but to start up a new character on the PC version and transfer all the same items I can to her through cheating. But it will never be the same, and neither will my respect for Bethesda.
Oblivion should come with a warning sticker: ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS.